Morning meeting
Paycheck and more

What do you do when you sit down at your desk?

Work on morning work. 


Where can I find Ms. Secor's library?

Where all the books are, beside the chrome cart. 


What are some ways you can earn money in the classroom?

Showing up to class every day, not getting a referral, passing a test or getting a good grade on an assignment. 


When other people are talking, how should you be behaving?

Siting facing towards them, not talking, and engaged in what they are saying. 


To get full participation points for the subject I'm in I need to do what?

Actively listen, no fighting, participation, share the work, help you team mates when they need it. 


Before you enter the classroom what should you do?

Put your backpack up.


How do I check out a book?

1.I use the laptop in the library.

2. I sign in with my student account.

3. I find the book. 

4. I check it out. 


What can you by at the store?

School supplies such as pencils, marcher, expos, notebooks, headphones. 


I you need to go to the rest room, what should you do?

1. Ask to go

2. Sign out

3. Go across the gym to the bathroom

4. Enter through the door you left. 


Is it okay to get up and sharpen a pencil while discussion is happening?

No, this can wait when it's time to write. 


Where do you keep all your supplies?

In my numbered cubby.


How many books can I check out in Ms. Secor's library?

1 book at a time. 


What can you by at the market?

You can buy anything thing the store plus toys, candy, and food. 


Should we wave, say hi, or acknowledge other students and adults that walk through the classroom? 

No, this can be distracting to others. 


Is it okay to get made and start a fight in the middle of class?

No, if someone is getting on my nerves I can move seats and let Ms. Secor know if it's bullying. 


How do I find out what's going on during the week?

On the calendar on the cubbies or in the morning meeting. 


What is not the proper way to take care of one of Ms.Secor's books?

Throwing it, tearing pages out, drawing in them, folding pages...


Can you get a fine (money taken away)?



Where should we line up to go somewhere in the classroom?

The door in front of the classroom.


When I move to my math and reading groups, how should I not behave?

Touching everything, yelling, talking, jumping up and hitting things, inappropriate language...


What do I do if there is no morning work?

Silently read my personal book. 


What is the librarians job in the classroom?

Put the books back in alphabetical order once they are checked in by Ms. Secor. 


Can the price of things go up and down in the store or market through the school year?



At the end of the day if you do these three things you will do well in school. What are they? 

Be kind, respectful, responsible. 


How should I take of my Chromebook when I'm using it?

Hold it with both hands, no food or water on the table, no touching other Chromebooks unless it's to help another student, no bending the Chromebook, do not stick the Chromebook into the cubbies, plug the Chromebook in after you are done using it...