Ms. Hake's Room
Everyday Routines
School Rules
Safety Procedures

What if I need something during class (pencil, paper, etc.)? 

Supplies are available at the supply station. You may not go to your locker during the school day.

What do I do when I get to class? 

Grab any handouts at the door and go quietly to your seat. Once you have completed your daily grammar, read silently until I call the class to attention. 


What are the rules of the hallway? 

Stay on the right sides of the hallway. Keep your hands to yourself. Stay single-file when lining up. No talking in the hall. 


What do I do for a fire alarm? 

Leave everything. Quietly line up and leave the classroom, going out the door to the right.  Line up on the track and wait for further instructions. 


What if I have to go to the bathroom/get a drink?

Use your passing periods. Wait until we are working individually in class. Only one student at a time. You must sign out every time you leave the classroom and sign in when you return. 


When can I get a book from the library? 

You may check out or return books at the beginning of class if you are not talking.  Choose a book quickly and return to your seat.


Can I have gum?



What do I do if there is severe weather?

Leave everything at your desk and immediately exit the room.  Follow Ms. Hake to the hall outside of the library where you will sit quietly until told otherwise. 


When can I start packing up?

When Ms. Hake says you may pack up. I have timers that remind me when class is about to end.  


How do I turn in work? 

Any paper work should be turned in to the turn-in baseket unless otherwise stated. Before turning it in, highlight your name according to the chart above the basket. 


Can I wear my coat or a blanket? 



What do I do if there is an earthquake?

Leave everything and immediately crawl under your desk. Be sure that your head is covered and that all of your body is underneath a desk or table. Remain quiet until we are given the all clear.


When can I throw things in the classroom?



What do I do when I don't feel well?

If you feel like you will immediately be sick, go to the bathroom.  If you wish to go to the nurse, just raise your hand and ask to go. 


Can I have my cell phone? 

No. It should be turned off and in your locker at all times. 


What should I do if there is an intruder? 

Leave everything at your desk and immediately evacuate if at all possible. Our relocation point is the Ford dealership.  If you are unable to leave, immediately lock the door, cover the window with the magnet, and barricade the door with the heaviest furniture. 


When can I talk in class? 

Unless Ms. Hake says you may talk amongst yourselves, you should raise your hand and wait to be called on in order to talk. 


What if I need a tissue during class or I need to sharpen my pencil? 

Use your common sense. 


What happens if I don't follow the rules? 

You will receive a write up. This means you will go to the main office and receive a consequence from the principal.  You will also be unable to attend the quarterly Cardinal parties. 


What should I do if I feel unsafe? 

Talk to Ms. Hake or another 8th grade teacher. We will do anything in our power to help you.