Name one guideline or expectation for this class
Answers vary
How many student desktop computers are in our classroom?
First thing you do when you get into class and sit down:
Log in to computer and find the daily slide
What's the purpose of "Classisty class?"
Get your attention
Google Classroom, Classwork, Mooty Careers
Where do you find out what we are doing today?
Google Classroom, Classwork, Mooty Careers, Today
"It's not a school dance" means:
Sit down!
All work is due on this day
Screenshot on a desktop
Print Screen or PRT SCR
Why do you think the teacher keeps a seating chart?
About how many minutes you're in class:
"Magic Number" means
Last 5 minutes of class and you can have free time, get out your phone, visit, pack up
The time when you can ask to play games or have free time
Last five minutes of class
Shift + CTRL + Show Windows
How many minutes between last class and this one
Answers vary, 2-4 minutes
You get three hall or bathroom passes per....?
Check all the cables
Don't use them to get around or play