Colleges & Careers
Money Management
Banking and Credit
Auto and Housing Options
Three college expenses that student loans typically cover.
What is tuition, room, and book expenses?
The amount of money your earn before payroll deductions.
What is gross pay?
Another name for "balancing your checkbook."
What is Reconciling?
Three costs associated with owning a car.
What is auto insurance, tolls/parking, maintenance, gasoline, loan payments, repairs?
Grouping together other people with the same time of risk is called this.
What is Risk Pooling?
Three transferable job skills.
What are communication, problem solving, teamwork, leading a group, keeping detailed records, meeting deadlines, etc?
Three examples of payroll taxes.
What is Social Security, Medicare, Federal Income, State Income, and Local Income?
Three services offered by banks.
What is savings accounts, loans, credit cards, debit/atm, online banking, automatic bill pay, safe deposit boxes, currency exchange, financial planning?
Explain how the length of an automobile loan affects the monthly car payment.
What is the longer the term of the loan the lower the monthly premium. *However over time the total cost of the car will be more because of the interest paid.
Bodily injury or property damage you have caused another person.
What is Liability?
Three tips for getting and keeping a job.
What is proofread your resume, present yourself professionally, make a good impression, use professional language (power words), dress for success?
Explain the difference between a W-4 and W-2 Form.
A W-4 is used by the employer to determine what about of income tax they should withhold from and employee's paycheck A W-2 is given to the employee by the employer at the end of January to provide wage and tax information needed for filing taxes.
Explain the differences and similarities of a credit card and a debit card.
What is Similar- Look the same and can used to purchase the same goods. Difference- Credit= Pay Later and Debit = Pay now
Advantage and Disadvantage of Renting Give one example of each.
A- Fixed Expense, Flexibility, More free time, Lower Insurance Costs D- More restrictions, Financial drawbacks, Limited Control
Payment to the insurance company for coverage.
What is the Premium?
FASFA stands for this.
What is Free Application for Federal Student Aid?
Your weekly gross pay is $612.85. You elect to put 10% of your gross pay into your retirement account. You also elect to give $5 per pay period to a charity. Your portion of the cost for health insurance is $23 per pay period. What is the total cost of these deductions.
What is $89.79? ($617.85 X .10= $61.79) ($61.79 + $5.00 + $23.00 = $89.79)
Give 3 methods of protecting yourself from Identity Theft.
Answers Vary.
Advantage and Disadvantage of Buying a Home Give one example of each.
A- Stability, freedom, investment value, tax advantages D - Unexpected expenses, Time spent on maintenance, reduced mobility
The amount the insured must pay before the insurance company pays.
What is Deductible?
Three types of loans available to college students.
What is Stafford, Perkins, and the PLUS loan?
You just accepted your first job and you will be earning $30,000 annually. With a gross income of $30,000 and a 25% tax deduction, what is your monthly net income?
What is $1,875? ($30,000 X .25 = $7,500) ($30,000 - $7,500 = $12,500 / 12 = $1,875)
Two types of credit and give an example of each.
What is Installment and Revolving Credit? Installment - Car Loan or Mortgage Revolving - Credit Card
Portion of purchase price that a buyer pays up front.
What is the Down Payment?
Six types of insurance coverage.
What is Life, Health, Disability, Homeowners, Renters, Auto?