Books And Settings
What They Said
Problems And Secrets
The Pups

In what book did Alfie die, and who killed him?

The Hidden Enemy book two the origianl series, the Half-Wolf killed him.


Who is the main bad guy?



What does Blade tell Lucky when he is stuck in the pit?

She tells him she thinks any pup born into her pack after the Big-Growl is going to make the Earth-Dog Growl again, and that they all must die.


What does Bella tell Lucky and Storm when she and Arrow are about to go out of Sweets Territory?  

She tells him she is going to have pups.


What does Storm have to do with the Fox Prisoner?

Scar it.


Who did Lucky and Mickey find in the Dog-Garden?

Three Fierce-Dog pups /Storm/Lick, Grunt/Fang and wiggle. 


Who Kills Blade? And Who kills the Half-Wolf?

Storm kills Blade and Lucky kills the Half-Wolf.


Why is Storm angry at Beetle and Thorn when she is trying to teach them to hunt?

Because they won't stop arguing and scaring of the Prey. 


What happens to Twitch when he bites the Deer leg?

He gets Clear-Stone or glass in his teeth, and Snap and Daisy have to get it out.


What does Alpha/Sweet tell Beetle after he helps save her pups?

She tells him that she was very grateful for what he did, but he is not cut out to be a hunter.   


Who Told the Half-Wolf that Lucky was a spy for the Leashed Pack?

Whine or, Omega.


Why does Lucky get nervous when Lick chooses her name?

Because she chooses Storm and Lucky thinks she has something to do with the Storm Of Dogs.  


Where do The pups run of to and who sees them?

The Endless Lake, Storm sees them on High-Watch.


When do Bella and Arrow tell Lucky and Storm that Bella is going to have pups?

After the coyotes attack.

When Storm is helping get the pups they can't find Tiny at first, when Storm does find her she isn't breathing what does Storm do? 

 Hits Tinys chest to get the water out. 


In what book dose Wiggle die, and who killed him?

Darkness Falls book three the original series, Blade killed him.


What are Lucky, Bella, and Storms pup names?

Yap, Squeak and Lick. 


Why do Bella and Arrow leave the Pack?

Because the Pack Dogs think Arrow is the traitor just because he is a Fierce-Dog.


What does Storm do when she is sleeping?

She walks in her sleep.


How does Tumble get hurt?

In the Fox attack, a Fox bites him on the leg.


How did Fiery, Moons Mate die?

He was captured by Long-Paws, was rescued but died because of an ambush from Terrors pack. 


Where do Storm and Blade fight? and who Dies?

under the frozen lake, and Blade dies.


what are Beta/Lucky's and Alpha/Sweet's puppies names?

Tumble, Fluff, Nibble and Tiny. 


What do the Pack Dogs say when they are burying Wisper?

"Good hunting Wisper."


What does Thorn do when she sees the Long-Paws near the Pups on the Beach?

Thorn gets to scared to help get the pups, on the way back Storm Beetle Breeze and Thorn decide not to tell the pack that Thorn didn't really help get the pups.