An eye for an eye
You oughta to know
Suture materials
Wound healing
More suture materials

This type of needle shape is atraumatic meaning it doesn't damage the tissues on the way in 

What is a Taper?


This phrase it used to characterize suture sizes

What is an aught?


This type of suture gives you very secure knots and is very easy to handle, but it comes with a trade off in the comfort department  

What is a multifilament suture?


This type of wound closure is the most controlled 

What is Primary Closure or 1st intention healing?


These are 2 natural multifilament suture materials 

What are catgut and silk?

There are 2 types of these needle shapes, in a way they kind of complete each other 

What are cutting and inverted cutting?


True or False: a 10-0 suture is bigger than a 3-0 suture

What is false?


This type of suture makes different kinds of tradeoffs and although it won't hold your knot it won't cause you pain 

What is a monofilament suture?


This type of wound closure takes a little bit more times and is used on this type of wound 

What is Delayed primary closure and moderately contaminated? [wound remains open for 1-5 days]


These 3 suture materials would probably form some weird multifilament suture Avengers 

What are Polyglactin 910, Polyglycolic Acid, and Polymerized Carpolactum?


This needle shape name sounds like something straight out of the Jetsons 

What is the elliptron?


While removing the rafter from your neighbor's eye you would probably use this aught suture to sew it back up again 

What is an 11-0 suture?


You use this type of suture if you don't plan on taking it back out and you need it to hold for at least 60 days

What is Absorbable Suture?


This type of wound closure method would probably tell you to ''tough it out'' or ''to rub some dirt in it''

What is Second intention healing? [used on old wounds and left to heal on its own]


These guys would probably form the monofilament suture version of DC

What are Polydioxanone and Poliglecaprone?


These two types of needle eyes look about the same yet they have a key difference 

What are a round needle eye and a square needle eye?


Just like everything else in orthopedics this suture size is over the top 

What is 2 and above?


On the other hand, you use this type of suture if you need to hold tissues together for more than 60 days 

What is non-absorbable suture material?


This type of wound closure is a healthy mix of 2 other methods 

What is Third Intention wound healing? [the wound is allowed to form a layer of granulation tissue after 5 days and then its sutured closed]


And these are the guys that just can't pick a side 

What are Polypropylene, Polyamide, and Stainless steel?


This fancy needle is used for who knows what, but hey at least it has a pretty name to match its weird shape 

What is a French or Split needle eye?


These two suture sizes are most commonly used in small animal practice 

What are 2-0 and 4-0? or 3-0 if you ask Dr. Hurtado


All the best sutures have this quality

What is 

-maintains holding strength for as long as necessary

-completely absorbable without causing a lot of inflammation 

-easily manipulated and never slips when tied 

and does not lead to infection or traumatized tissues

These two types of drains can be placed in a wound to drain infection 

What is a Penrose drain [passive] and a Jackson-Pratt [active]?


Multifilament sutures usually have this to prevent them from pulling bacteria into the body 

What is a coating?