Spelling and Grammar
What can the reader infer about Suzy: "I wouldn't want to be one of them. Imagine going to school and not being able to speak English or understand anything that's going on. I can't imagine anything worse.
What is She has led a sheltered life
The word that best describes Leah's reaction to Suzy's first visit to the camp: excited, angry, uncommunicative
What is uncommunicative
The main setting of "Suzy and Leah"
What is post World War II America
person who flees home or country to seek shelter from war or cruelty
What is refugee
What question is answered by the adverb clause in the following sentence from "Suzy and Leah"? I write in English, to learn better, because I want to make myself be understood.: where, to what extent, how, why
What is to what extent
Infer about the lasting effect of Leah's past experiences from the passage: "One day soon this Suzy and her people will stop being nice to us. They will remember we are n ot just refugees but Jews, and they will turn on us. Just as the Germans did. Of this I am sure.
What is she learned not to trust and to keep her guard up
The reason Leah addresses her diary entries to Mutti
What is she is comforted imagining that her mother is still with her
The format for which "Suzy and Leah" is told
What is diary entries
German equivalent of Mommy
What is Mutti
What is the first word in the adverb clause in the following sentence from "Suzy and Leah": I, have, so, if
What is if
What can you infer from Leah's diary entries
What is she feels lost and grief stricken
The reason that Leah does not tell anyone she doesn't feel well
What is she would have been hurt or killed in the concentration camp if she was sick
The place where Leah is living
What is resettlement (refugee) camp
language spoken by eastern European Jews and their descendants
What is Yiddish
Which of the following words has most nearly the same meaning as refugee: criminal, spy, tourist, immigrant
What is immigrant
What can you infer from the following remark from Leah: There is still barbed wire between us and the world
What is she must overcome feelings of mistrust she developed during the war
Why Leah stands back and rejects Suzy's offer of candy
What is Leah is too proud and does not want to act "like a wild animal"
What "good" comes out of Suzy reading Leah's diary
What is Suzy understands Leah's wartime experiences
sleeveless garment worn over a dress, often over a blouse
What is pinafore
Which of the following words is not spelled correctly: appointie, trustee, refugee, absentee
What is appointie
What can you infer from Suzy's impatience with Leah's distant attitude
What is Suzy does not realize how horribly Leah has suffered during the war
The gift that Suzy gives to Leah in the hospital
What is her green dress
The turning point in the story "Suzy and Leah"
What is Suzy reads Leah's diary
fit to eat according to the Jewish laws of diet
What is kosher
Use the word refugee in a sentence correctly
What is (check student responses)