You're Sooo Basic
Mystery Category?
Saints, Blesseds, and Peeps, Oh My!
Can I Have Your Grandpa's Hand-Me-Downs?
Vincentian Vibes

The city where the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was founded. (I heard the croissants are lovely this time of year.)

Paris, France


All of the organizations inspired by the life and work of St. Vincent de Paul make up this.

The Vincentian Family


As a college student, I decided to put my faith in action and serve the poor. This lead to the founding of an International network of charity active in over 150+ countries.

Frédéric Ozanam


I'm from Queens, NY, and I'm currently on tour with Drake. 

J Cole

(St. John's)

The 3 Essential Elements of SVDP

Spirituality, Friendship, Service


A member of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.



We are the largest SVDP council in the world! You definitely should catch a Coyotes or Diamondbacks game while you're in town!

St. Vincent de Paul Phoenix Diocesan Council
(80 Conferences)


I started the Daughters of Charity.

St. Louise de Marillac


This Macklemore's song is one of the prominent ways SVDP makes money to help families in need, here in the USA

Thrift Shop


Our primary purpose of being a Vincentian

Grow in holiness


I'm the city where the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was first established in the USA. We lost our football team, but we still have a pretty cool arch and are home of the National Council of the Society!

St. Louis, Missouri


SVDP has the biggest thrift store in this major city. Go see the Walk of Fame while you're there!

Los Angeles, California


I'm the guy who inspired millions to help the poor, and inspired a number of blesseds and saints to this day.

St. Vincent de Paul


I'm the bassist of a famous band. "We're going down down dunununuh around, and sugar we're going down swingin'..."

Pete Wentz



Vincentians consider being a their work with SVDP as this and not a just a volunteer.



We are the group of sisters associated with the Vincentian family. (Founded by St. Louise de Marillac and St. Vincent de Paul)

The Daughters of Charity


The Society of St. Vincent de Paul was started during the events that would inspire this famous Broadway musical.

Les Miserable


I was a Daughters of Charity who organized care for the poor in the Mouffetard District in Paris, helping guide Frederic and his friends in their newly founded Conference of Charity. (Known to have said, “I never pray so well as I do in the street.”) 

Blessed Rosalie Rendu


I've got two Olympic Gold Medals, and a number of NBA wins. ROLL RED STORM!

Chris Mullin

(St. John's)


This is what groups of Vincentians who meet together, pray together, and serve together are called. (You are part of one.)



This is how many Vincentians we have active today worldwide. (A whole lot including all of you!)



We are the three Vincentian universities in the United States.

St. John's University (Queens, NY), DePaul University (Chicago, IL), and Niagara University (Niagara, NY)


I am the current president of the National Council of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul

John Berry


I'm a Packers player who wore SVDP painted cleats for the NFL "My Cause, My Cleats" campaign. 

Jon Runyan

Vincentians have been known to visit and serve the poor through personal encounters that are referred to as this type of visit.

Home Visit