From a leprechaun who's been evading cereal theft for decades:
"I love me Lucky Charms..."
they're magically delicious"
Really emphasizing the whole "Guess" aesthetic, labels on Guess jeans fittingly feature this punctuation mark
A question mark
Passengers might hope to spot a legendary monster while riding a "Beastie Boat" on this Scottish lake
Loch Ness
In April of 2024:
"Only a fortnight til The Tortured Poets Department"
Three... two... one... liftoff! Neil Armstrong & co. depart Cape Kennedy for the Moon
The soundtrack to a bygone, pre-inflation sandwich era:
"5... 5 dollar..."
Five dollar foot long
The logo of Lucky brand features this botanical item, a rare mutation of a shamrock said to bring good fortune
The four leaf clover
In 2019, the Indian army released photos allegedly showing this creature's footprints in the Himalayan snow
yeti, or abominable snowman
In 2020, almost 30 years after the release of "Home Alone":
"Hey guys, wanna feel old? I'm 40. You're welcome"
Macauley Caulkin
George Washington is inaugurated as the first U.S. president
New York
It's what khaki-wearing Jake has been telling us for years:
"Like a good neighbor..."
"State farm is there."
This fashion house's logo features the interlocking letters YSL
Yves Saint Laurent
This mythological bird that emerged from flames inspired the name of a U.S. state capital
After reaching a 2022 deal to acquire Twitter:
"Next I'm buying Coca-Cola to put the cocaine back in"
Elon Musk
DB - 1881:
The Tuskegee institute is founded by Booker T. Washington
(DB)Motivation for aspiring toilet users since 1991:
"Mommy, wow!..."
"I'm a big kid now"
Officially called a "wave design", some think the logo of this athleisure brand resembles the Greek letter omega
DB - Alleged to drink the blood of livestock, this creature's name means "goat-sucker" in Spanish
In 2024, this athlete with over a billion social media followers:
"Proud to make history as the first top scorer in 4 countries"
Cristiano Ronaldo
The first shots of the Civil War are fired near Fort Sumter
South Carolina
A single word with alphorn accompaniment, it's the jingle for a product first made in 1940 from organic Swiss herbs
The North Face logo has a symbol inspired by this noted rock formation in Yosemite national park.
Half Dome
A dinosaur-like cryptid, the mokele-mbembe is said to live in the basin of this second-longest African river
Pictured riding a bike hands-free, curly hair flowing behind him:
"My hands are for one thing only: playing sax"
Kenny G
The first westbound Pony Express rider leaves St. Joseph