Ethical Principles
Broader Ethical Standards
Social Work History
Social Work Leaders

The value related to ethical principle where social workers' primary goal is to help people in need and address social problems. 

What is Service?


Engaging with people as partners is important in this ethical principle.

What is Social Workers recognize the central important of human relationships?


Privacy and confidentiality to the people they serve is part of this overall ethical standard.

What is social workers ethical responsibility to clients?


This historical event happened during nineteenth century america and was considered the first type of foster care where they moved children from urban areas into rural areas and farms.

What are orphan trains?


She served as president's FDR's Secretary of Labor and was the first woman to serve as a cabinet secretary.

Who is Francis Perkins?


The social work value related to social workers behaving in a trustworthy way.

What is Integrity?


A social worker makes sure they continue to build their knowledge base is related to this ethical principle.

What is Social Workers practicing within the areas of competence and develop and enhance their professional expertise?


Social and political action is part of this overall ethical standard?

What is social workers ethical responsibilities to the broader society?


The social security act of 1935 was part of this overall reform under President Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency.

What is the New Deal?


This person who was born into slavery and was a prominent journalist, activist and researcher in the late 19th and early 20th century.  She also confronted white women in the suffrage movement who ignored lynching.

Who is Ida B. Wells?


The social work value related to social workers striving to increase their professional knowledge.

What is Competence?


Engaging in social change is important in this ethical principle?

What is social workers challenge social justice?


Misrepresentation is part of this overall ethical standard.

What is social workers' ethical responsibilities as professionals?


This organization was present during the Progressive era and focused on individual factors related to poverty such as alcoholism, poor work habits and inadequate money management.

What is the Charity Organization Society?


This leader fought for public health care, as a nurse, started the Henry Street Settlement and was a tireless advocate for women, children, immigrants and laborers.

Who is Lillian Wald?


The social work value related to treating a person in a caring and respectful way?

What is Dignity and Worth of a Person?


Volunteering some portion of their professional skills is a part of this ethical principle?

What is social workers primary goal is to help people in need to address social problems?


Social workers seeking the advice and counsel whenever consultation is in the best interests of clients is part of this overall ethical standard.

What is social workers ethical responsibility to colleagues?


These type of houses were established in urban areas during the progressive era where tenement houses were often located to provide services to people who lived in the area?

What are settlement houses?


He was a union leader and civil rights leader who helped launch the Montgomery bus boycott and assisted the attorney who bailed Rosa Parks out of jail after she was arrested for not giving her seat on the bus to a white man.

Who is Edgar Daniel Nixon?


The social work value where social workers strive to ensure access to needed information for all people.

What is Social Justice?


In this ethical principle, social workers are aware of their dual responsibility to clients and the broader society?

What is social workers respect the inherent dignity and worth of a person?


Social workers taking reasonable steps to ensure that documentation is accurate and reflects the services provided is part of this overall ethical standard?

What is social workers ethical responsibility in practice settings?


In Colonial America, children, older adults and people with disabilities who couldn't care for themselves were under this umbrella term?

What are the deserving poor?


This person was the head of the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin and fought for the restoration of Oneida lands.

Who is Laura Cornelius Kellogg?