Module 1
Key Concepts
Module 2
SW's Historical Roots
Module 3
Generalist Social Work Practice
Module 4
Social Work Values & Ethics

Micro, Mezzo/Meso, Macro

What are the levels of social work practice?


Distinction between Deserving Poor and Non-deserving Poor; Settlement Laws; Outdoor Relief; and Indoor Relief

What is the Elizabeth Poor Laws?


A generalist perspective that focuses on people, their environments, and the interactions between them.

What is Ecological Perspective?


This organization works to enhance the professional growth and development of its members, to create and maintain professional standards, and to advance sound social policies.

What is the National Association of Social Workers (NASW)?


Public, Private & For Profit, Private & Nonprofit, Faith Based

What are types of social work organizations?


Policies and practices designed to regulate people and increase conformity and compliance in their behaviors.

What is the concept of social control?


The knowledge that facilitates a dynamic understanding of client interactions from various perspectives and in several settings.

What is System Theory?


Service, Social Justice, Dignity & Worth of a Person, Importance of Human Relationships, Integrity, Competence

What are the Core Values of the Social Work Profession?


Using a particular intervention for an issue, problem or disorder based on the results of research.

What is evidence-based practice?


During this period in history, there was an influx of immigrants, a change that led to an economic crisis, and was the era of awareness of need of social reform.

What is the Industrial Revolution (19th Century)?


Engagement, Assessment, Planning, Implementation, Evaluation, and Termination

What is the Change Process?


Articulates standards that the profession can use to assess unethical conduct and formal procedures to adjudicate ethics complaints filed against social workers. Also assigns disciplinary rulings and sanctions.

What are the NASW Code of Ethics?


The knowledge, values, skills, and cognitive and affective processes that make up the competency at the generalist level of practice.

What is the 9 core Social Work Competencies?


She was considered the "Mother of Social Work" for her work around community organizing, peace activist, and work around women suffrage.

Who is Jane Addams?


A guiding framework that gives credence to the idea that every person has traits, resources, and/or skills to call on in solving their problems.

What is the Strength Perspective?


Social workers practice within this area and develop as well as enhance their professional expertise.

What is Competence?


Focus primarily on client's psychological issues; Qualified for administering psychological tests; allow to administer medication (in some states)

What are ways Psychology is different from Social Worker?


This organization was imported from England to the United States in 1877; a volunteer committed to helping clients, would attempt to address individual character flaws and encourage clients to gain independence and live moral lives.

What is the Charity Organization Society (COS)?


A contract designed collaboratively by the social worker and the client which consist of short-term and long-term goals and corresponding strategies for achieving them.

What is a Case Plan?


Promote the well-being of clients; respect privacy and confidentiality; protect clients who lack capacity; refer to other professionals when appropriate; termination of services.

What are the Ethical Responsibilities to Clients?