FA Expectations
Best Practices

If a Flight Attendant has Airport Standby on their schedule and a trip assignment the same day, do they need to check in for their Airport Standby?

Yes. Airport Standbys must check in for their reserve assignment even if they have a trip assigned later in the day.


How many Southwest Flights or Other Carriers must you list to be covered by the Commuter Policy?

1 Southwest Flight


2 On Other Carriers


How many occurrences are you allowed while on probation?

Two (2)


What indication must the Pilots give the Flight Attendants that they are able to disarm the aircraft doors at arrival?

The seatbelt sign is turned off.


You arrive at the airport too early to check in. What should you do to remind yourself to check-in?

Set a reminder/alarm 20 mins prior to check in.


What is the length of time you have to call Scheduling back or acknowledge on your board, if you miss a call?

20 mins – or you can self-acknowledge the assignment.


When must your commuting flight be scheduled to arrive for your Reserve?

Thirty (30) mins prior to contact time on the first day of a Reserve block.


Name at least three ways you can contact your Onboarding Supervisor?

Teams message, Teams Call and Email.


What must happen before we crack the doors at arrival?

Ensure doors disarmed and cross-check complete


What time is it recommended to lobby at the hotel?

10-15 mins prior to shuttle departure


What are the 3 check in options?

CrewHub, Airport Check in phone, Base computers. 


Scenario: You are based in MDW. You listed to fly on American Airlines to ORD and Alaska Airlines to MDW. Are you covered by the Commuter policy if you do not make it on either flights?

No, commuter policy only covers when flying into a base.


Does it count as an occurrence if you used a PIN (Personal Illness note) or Doctor’s note to remove the points for your sick calls?

Yes, it counts as an occurrence. Using a PIN or Doctor‘s note to remove points does not remove the occurrence.


What is the C Flight Attendant required to tell the A Flight Attendant prior to the FWD Entry door closing?

OWWE has been briefed.


You have a little down time during cruising. Can you be on your phone?

No, at no point should you be on your phone during work. Especially not during critical phase of flight. It is a FAWRE Class II #17 violation and you could be issued discipline. Please actively be out in the cabin engaging with our Customers.


When am I required to be on the aircraft before every leg?

30 mins prior to departure for Domestic/45 mins for Hawaii and International flights.


You’re listed for your commuting flight but weren’t present at the gate and the flight left with empty seats. Are you covered by the Commuter policy?

No, Flight Attendants must list and be present at the gate. However, if a Flight Attendant listed and presented themself and encounters irregular operations they should notify Scheduling immediately/prior to scheduled check-in or contact time. Flight Attendant will need to follow Scheduling direction. (Refer to Article 33)


Who do you contact if you need to go on any type of Leave (Medical, Military, Maternity, etc) or have Jury Duty?

Attendance & Leave


What must the Flight Attendants do after all safety related duties have been completed?

Take their jumseat. This can result in a personal fine from the FAA to the Flight Attendant if they do not follow the FAA policies and procedures.


List some of the ways you can prep the night before your trip.

Double check your schedule, make sure you have the right time zone, set up multiple alarms, check you have all your required items, check that your IEFB Charged and Synced.


Which reserves are not liable for airport standby?

SAR, SPR  and after 5 sits.


To ensure compliance with Class 1, #17: What is the maximum driving distance from domicile during reserve contact hours?

Flight Attendants must be within a 2-hour driving distance from their base at their contactable time.


Who do you need to notify and what must you submit if you receive an occurrence?

You must notify your Onboarding Supervisor and submit an IR


When and where should you do your 30 second review?

On your jumpseat, in your brace position during take off and landing.


You updated your contact and secondary number in workday. How do you add a secondary contact number for Scheduling to call?

Call Scheduling. When you update in workday it does not transfer the information over to Scheduling. You must call Scheduling to make the updates.