What does SWDS stand for?
Sherwin-Williams Delivery Service
Can a Driver I carry more than 1000lbs of HAZMAT?
No, Driver I or Driver II's both must have less than 1,000lbs of HAZMAT on their vehicle during a delivery. Only Driver III's are permitted to carry more than a 1,000lbs of HAZMAT.
Is a windshield crack a Critical Out of Service Item?
Yes, keeping a vehicle with a cracked windshield wiper can result in a DOT violation
Who is our companies CEO?
What does the acronym TIME stand for?
T- Track the traffic 15 seconds down the road
I- Insert a 4 second space buffer between you and the car in front of you
M- Check Mirrors every 10 seconds
E- Eliminate Distractions
Can you sign for an unattended delivery?
NO. Mark as unattended and take 3 pictures as a proof of delivery
When was Sherwin-Williams founded?
What is the most important Delivery?
How many CEO's has Sherwin-Williams had?
What does GOAL stand for?
Who is the SED SWDS Director of Transportation?
Michael Moseley