Means "Hello" in Swedish
Means "My name is" in Swedish
Jag heter...
Most popular swedish pastry
Kanelbullar/ Cinnamon buns
His song in english became famous worldwide
Avicii, Wake me up
One of many holidays for a dessert
Waffle Day
Means "Thank you" in Swedish
Means "How are you?" in Swedish
Hur mår du?
Most common swedish dish, found at IKEA
Köttbullar och potatismos (Meatballs and mashed potatoes)
Her song became a tik tok meme
Zara Larsson, Symphony
Christian holiday now dedicated to a pastry
Fat tuesday
Means "Good" in Swedish
Means "Thank you very much" in Swedish
Tack så mycket
Green treat made of marsipan and dark chocholate
Dammsugare, Punschrulle / Vaccume cleaners, punchroll
They have a musical and a movie based on their songs
A day in June for herring, dancing around a pole and bonfires
Means "Bad" in Swedish
Means "I'm doing well" in Swedish
Jag mår bra
Might not taste great but it's traditional
This artist won Eurovision twice
Children wear white gowns, carry candles and sing to celebrate this saint
Lucia day
Means "You're welcome" in Swedish
Means "Have a good day" in Swedish
Ha det bra
You might think it's cake but it's made of bread and mayo
Smörgåstårta/ Sandwich cake
Swedish, Italian singer-songwriter with many great hits
Veronica Maggio
This is the date of Sweden's national day
June 6th