Big Brother
Has never been fat
Is unemployed
No Solid Alliance...
Jessie Kowalski
Casey Cooper
Natalie Negrotti
Morgan Willet
Johnny Bananas
Double Eviction Victim
Nominated 5 consecutive weeks
Christie Murphy
Jack Matthews
Nick Maccarone
Jackson Michie
Kat Dunn
Survived the first 2 evictions
Won 1 hoh and 2 vetos
Is a mother
Got 6th place
Danielle Lickey or Elissa Slater
Michele Fitzgerald
Amanda Garcia
Haleigh Broucher
Fessy Shafaat
World Peace!
Don't call me booboo sweetheart
You're a coward!
Jessica Graf
Jenn Grivjalva
Veronica Portillo
Rachel Robinson
Laurel Stucky
Nurys lastname
Jonna Mannion
Jordan Wisely