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In the book Swindle, who is the author?

Gordon Korman


In the book Swindle, where did Griffin Bing plan a sleepover?

Old Rockford House (p. 1)


In the book Swindle, what did Griffin and his friends propose be done with the old Rockford property?

Turn it into a Skate and Roller Park (


In the book Swindle, while in the Old Rockford House, what fell into or landed in Griffin’s hair

A black bat


In the book Swindle, where did Griffin find the old baseball card of Babe Ruth?

In a secret drawer of an old desk


In the book Swindle, where did Griffin and Ben take the baseball card to be appraised?

Palomino’s Emporium of Collectibles and Memorabilia


In the book Swindle, for how much money did S. Wendall Palomino buy the baseball card from Griffin?



In the book Swindle, what is the name of Griffin’s dad’s invention?

The SmartPick


In the book Swindle, according to the news story, what did Palomino say made the Babe Ruth card so valuable? a

Babe Ruth is shown wearing the wrong uniform – a Red Sox uniform


In the book Swindle, how much was the baseball card worth?

1 million dollars


In the book Swindle, according to Griffin, what was the only way to get the baseball card back from S. Wendall (Swindle)?

To take it back (steal it)


In the book Swindle, why did Griffin want the card back?

It would provide the money his family needed


In the book Swindle, why did Griffin and Ben get in a fight?

Because Ben didn’t want to try to get the card back


In the book Swindle, what did Ben discover that caused him to change his mind about helping Griffin?

That Griffin’s family was selling their house due to money problems.


In the book Swindle, what else was guarding Palomino’s Emporium besides a gate and a burglar alarm?

A dog, Luthor – a big Doberman


In the book Swindle, who did Griffin and Ben ask to help deal with Luthor, the guard dog?



In the book Swindle, Ben’s father helped Griffin and Ben figure out the code to the alarm at Palomino’s by suggesting it might be the serial number from what? a

USS Enterprise from the original 1960s TV show Star Trek.


In the book Swindle, where did Griffin get the idea for getting inside Palomino’s Emporium? a

A 5th grade project on the Trojan War


In the book Swindle, how did Ben get inside the store after hours?

He was hiding in a crate that was taken into the Emporium just before it was locked up for the night.


.In the book Swindle, where did Griffin discover the baseball card in Palomino’s house?

Inside a frozen turkey


In the book Swindle, Darren stole the baseball card from Griffin, but lost it up in a tree. How did Griffin get it down?

With his dad’s SmartPick invention


In the book Swindle, what code word did the team use when talking about the baseball card? a



In the book Swindle, where did Griffin mail the baseball card? a

Back to the Old Rockford Place


In the book Swindle, the money from the sale of the baseball card was given to the Cedarville Museum fund. Aside from the museum, what else did it help fund? a

The skate park


In the book Swindle, even though Griffin didn’t get any of the money, what happened that provided the money for his family to keep their house?

Publicity of the SmartPick invention