What is the designated day for cleaning the yogurt machines?
What is Monday?
When is the appropriate time to break down the toppings bar for detailed cleaning?
What is Sunday 3rd Shift?
True or False: Peanut toppings can be stored with other toppings.
What is false?
What is the most popular Swirl World flavor?
What is vanilla?
What is the recommended duration for the cleaning cycle?
What is 5 Minutes?
What is the proper action to take if a topping pan is empty, undesirable in appearance, or expired?
What is new pan with fresh product should be added – New Date?
How many containers of yogurt should always be thawed?
What is four?
True or False: Swirl World offers do not have to be available throughout the weekend.
What is false?
What is the proper setting for the metal bars on the carburetor?
What is 3?
What is the proper way to maintain the toppings bar during the night shift?
What is the toppings should be refreshed and sanitized as needed?
How long does yogurt take to properly thaw?
What is 48-72 hours?
What is negatively impacting Swirl World during peak time?
What is increased downtime?
What is the correct amount of product to leave in the hopper if the machine is being cleaned the next morning?
What is just enough to cover the metal sensor?
True or False: You should check product levels every Figure 8.
What is true?
True or False: All unopened toppings must be dated upon delivery.
What is true?
What percent of sales happen during peak Swirl World days?
What is 64%
What can happen if you fill the machine with product before inserting the carburetor?
What is a run time error?
What is the proper sized pan to store yogurt toppings on the sales floor?
What is 1/6 x 2inch Pan
What was the name on the container of sorbet that made Tomahawk Pop?
What is Tiger’s Blood?
What are the peak days for Swirl World sales?
What are Thursday through Sunday?