The mountain on the Toblerone chocolate
What is Matterhorn?
The melted cheese dish eaten with bread
What is fondue?
This Swiss scientist developed the Theory of Relativity
This small red pocket knife has a cross on it and many tools inside
What is the Swiss Army Knife?
Switzerland has this many official languages
What is four?
The Swiss city home to the United Nations’ European headquarters
What is Geneva?
The chocolate bar with a mountain shape
What is Toblerone?
This Swiss tennis player won 20 Grand Slam titles
Who is Roger Federer?
This luxury watch brand starts with "R" and is worn by many celebrities
What is Rolex?
This is the most popular winter sport in Switzerland
What is skiing?
The largest lake in Switzerland
What is Lake Geneva?
Swiss people eat more of this sweet treat than any other country
What is chocolate?
This Swiss businessman founded a famous food company that makes chocolate and milk products
Who is Henri Nestlé?
This famous expensive chocolate brand has a golden bunny at Easter
What is Lindt?
The Swiss flag has this shape instead of a rectangle
What is square?
The train ride called the “Top of Europe”
What is Jungfraujoch?
This potato dish is similar to hash browns
What is Rösti?
This man is the co-founder of Chevrolet
Who is Louis Chevrolet?
This big company makes milk, chocolate, and coffee products and starts with "N."
What is Nestlé?
Switzerland has over this many lakes
What is 7,000?
The Swiss city famous for its banking, shopping, and lakeside views
What is Zurich?
This Swiss dish is made of macaroni, cheese, and served with applesauce
What is Älplermagronen?
The mathematician who proposed the equation regarding conservation of energy in fluid mechanics
Who is Johann Bernoulli?
This science center in Switzerland helped create the World Wide Web
Switzerland is famous for being very safe and has one of the lowest rates of this
What is crime?