
When in a debate, instead of opinions, you might wish to provide this:

What are proofs and credible data (facts).


The 6th Amendment main purpose is to do this:

What is ensure that USA Citizen's are treated fairly in the court system.


The state of MA is spelled: 

What is Massachusetts.


We use comparisons and claims to:

What is to explain why your arguments are important. 


The first 4 steps in a courtroom trial:

What is :

1. clerk calling the court to order

2. Judge Entering the court, and taking the bench while the court stands (the judge may make a few initial comments)

3. each side introduces itself, (each side may bring up preliminary matters, and 

4. opening statements.


While Performing a Play or Mock Trial, goofing off on stage will:

What is to take the audience out of the story.


In a debate, you may wish to recognize right quick when the person you are debating is simply trying to put you in your place, vs, trying to actually be open minded.

What is true.


The 6th Amendment was instilled in this year:

What is 1791, a century after the SWT.


Cotton Mathers strongly believed in convicting witches due to strong Spectral Evidence, True or False?

What is False.


Remaining flexible when in a debate will generally work to your advantage?  True or False?

What is True.


Once the Jury has submitted their ballots to the Judge, the next step is this:

What is the Judge announcing the verdict.


When one pulls up a Map of MASS on google maps, 4 cities appear, and only 4 cities.  These cities are Springfield, Worcester, ______, & ______.

What are Boston and Salem.


4 behaviors you want to avoid when in a debate:

What are, 

Making up or falsifying evidence,

Attacking the speaker - not the idea,

Being aggressive or offensive,

Interrupting senators/speakers 


This beautiful New ENgland forrest is the location of this:

What is where the evil witches of Salem Massachusetts were hung.


An old man would not confess.  They laid stone after stone on top of him, assuming the weight and pressure of the stone would break him into confession.  The stone only broke him into death as he kept repeating "More Weight".  Is it impressive to you that this one man, was filled with such logic, that he truly recognized how asinine the stupid the humans were around him, that he was dead set on standing his ground and that he withstood this torture for _____ Days? 

What is yes or no (Opinion Depending) for 3 days.