What two things are required for a standard MLA in-text citation?
author last name and page number
What information comes first in a works cited entry?
Author last name
What is it called when you reword a source's original language?
What information is put in the top right of every page in an MLA paper?
Your last name and page number
What word do you add to an in-text citation to show that there are three or more authors?
et al
If you name the author in your sentence, what is your in-text citation?
just the page number
How are sources arranged in an MLA works cited list?
Alphabetically by author last name
If you do not directly quote a source but use information from it, do you still need to cite it?
In MLA format, what is the correct font type and size for your paper
Times New Roman 12-point size
the spacing required for MLA style
double spacing
Do you need a comma in between the author and page number in an MLA in-text citation?
What is the standard spacing for works cited entries?
Double space, hanging indent, no extra space between sources
Can you quote a single word from a source?
where can one find all the sources used in the paper
works cited page
What is it called when you fail to attribute information you received from a source?
Where should the in-text citation go in a sentence?
Before the period at the end of the sentence
Where is the works cited found
at the end of the paper, on its own page
For reliable sources, you can go to
library database
What does MLA stand for?
Modern Language Association
when quoted material is longer than four lines
block quote
In what case do you not need to include an in-text citation?
If you name both the author and page number in your sentence
This type of indentation is used on MLA works cited source when longer than one line
hanging line/hanging intention
this type of information does not require a citation
common knowledge
what is the primary purpose of MLA citation
Give credit (avoid plagiarism)
Provide a pathway to source
What website should you consult for citation help?
Purdue O.W.L