Text Features
Main Idea
Supporting Details
Iroquois Trivia
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Table of Contents
Garlic was important in the history of Chicago. Jacques Marquette was a French priest. In 1674 bad health forced him to stop his journey for the winter. He stayed where wild garlic grew. Garlic soup and a fire helped keep Marquette warm. In fact, eating the garlic saved him from getting sick. The place where he stayed was called Checagou. Checagou is a Native American word. It means "place of garlic." That place is now called Chicgao. The story mainly tells a. how Chicago got its name b. where Chicago is c. how to make garlic soup d. about winter in Checagou
a. how Chicago got its name
Cheetahs are beautiful, spotted cats that live in the grasslands and bushy areas of Africa and the Middle East. One of the fastest animals on earth, a cheetah can run up to 70 miles per hour! After chasing and killing its prey, a cheetah my need up to half an hour to catch its breath before eating. From this paragraph, you can infer that: A. A cheetah only eats meat. B. A cheetah hides in the bush while hunting its prey. C. A cheetah could beat you in a race.
C. A cheetah could beat you in a race.
Main Idea: Wampum belts had many uses. Which detail best supports this main idea? a. Wampum belts are made of clam shells. b. Wampum belts are used to make agreements. c. Wampum belts have specific patterns. d. Only chiefs could make wampum belts.
b. Wampum belts are used to make agreements.
What Iroquois symbol represents how the nations are stronger together than they are individually.
The five bound arrows.
This text feature gives the definitions of key words found in the text.
The Glossary
The gecko, a small lizard, can do something special. It can shed its tail when attacked. When it drops off, the tail wriggles on the ground.The wriggling tail may confuse an attacked. This gives the gecko time to escape. New cells will grow where the tail dropped off. The growth is called a bud. This bud grows into a new tail. This story mainly tells a. what a bud is b. how a gecko gets away from its attacker c. what a gecko is d. about a gecko's unusual tail
d. about a gecko's unusual tail
Dante makes sure he's at all of the important events in his community. He carries notebooks and pens everywhere he goes, in case something exciting happens. Through the years, Dante has learned lots of different strategies for interviewing people. He wants to make sure the information he writes up at the end of the day is correct. From this paragraph, you can infer that: A. Dante is a police officer. B. Dante is a teacher. C. Dante is a newspaper reporter.
C. Dante is a newspaper reporter.
Europeans brought many changes to the Iroquois society. Which detail best supports the main idea? a. The Europeans came to stay. b. The French wanted beaver fur to sell to hat makers. c. The Europeans spread small pox which killed many Iroquois. d. The Iroquois did not like the Europeans.
c. The Europeans spread small pox which killed many Iroquois.
The two row wampum is a belt that shows the treaty between the Iroquois and this group of Europeans.
The Dutch
This text feature tells what section will mostly be about.
The Heading
The dandelion is a common weed. It has a bright yellow flower. The leaves are shaped like lion's teeth. Its name comes from three French words, dent de lion. Those three words mean "tooth of the lion." The story mainly tells a. about common weeds b. how the dandelion got its name. c. about dandelion flowers. d. about lions' teeth.
b. how the dandelion got its name.
In training to be a knight, a boy was expected to study hard and learn good manners. He was taught to play musical instruments, sing, and recite poetry. He also studied reading, writing, geometry, and strategy games. Another knight would then teach the boy how to shoot a bow and arrow, fight with a sword and ride a horse. From this paragraph, you can infer that A. All boys wanted to become knights. B. Knights had a well-rounded education. C. Knights were loyal to the king.
B. Knights had a well-rounded education.
The Iroquois relied on nature to meet their needs. Which detail best supports this main idea? a. The clan mother arranged marriages. b. The Iroquois traded with the Europeans. c. They made their houses out of logs. d. The clan all lived in one longhouse.
c. They made their houses out of logs.
This is the name of the buildings where the Iroquois live.
A Longhouse.
This text feature explains a picture or photograph.
People do not really use music to charm snakes. Snakes have no ears, so they can't hear a flute. The snake charmer startles the snake by waving a hand near it. The snake lifts its head to look around. The charmer then sways back and forth or moves the flute. The snake moves its head to keep an eye on the motion. The story mainly tells a. why music charms snakes b. why snakes can't hear sounds c. how people really charm snakes d. why snakes have no ears
c. how people really charm snakes
Before the Industrial Revolution, most cloth was made by hand in people's homes. They used spinning wheels and weaving looms to make their own clothes. This took a lot of hard work! But during the Industrial Revolution, machine were built that made great quantities of good cloth very quickly. Machines were built to make other products as well. From this paragraph, you can infer that: A. Making cloth became easier after the Industrial Revolution. B. Making cloth became more difficult after the Industrial Revolution. C. People like machine-made clothes better than hand-made clothes.
A. Making cloth became easier after the Industrial Revolution.
Girls helped their mothers with many responsibilities. Which is NOT a supporting detail? a. Girls helped weave baskets. b. The clan mother arranged marriages. c. Mothers taught their daughters how to plant and harvest. d. All women made clothes and moccasins out of deerskin.
b. The clan mother arranged marriages.
This person is responsible for arranging marriages in the Iroquois society.
The Clan mother.
This text feature lists all the topics covered in the book and the page numbers where they can be found.
Dolphin are very smart animals. They even have their own language. They talk to each other with clicks, whistles, and grunts. Scientists have been studying this dolphin language. They hope that in the future, people will be able to talk to each other. This story mainly tells a. how smart dolphins are b. how dolphins talk to people c. how dolphins are different from fish d. which scientists are studying language
a. how smart dolphins are
In the early 1900s, women began fighting for equal rights in society, including education and property. However, "suffrage" (the right to vote) became the most important issue. Men over 21 had been given the right to vote 50 years earlier. Finally, in 1920, women got what they wanted! The 19th amendment was passed. From the passage, you can infer: A. The 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote. B. The 19th Amendment gave women equal pay for the same work. C. The 19th Amendment gave women the right to be teachers.
A. The 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote.
The Iroquois wanted their wampum belts returned from museums and individuals. Which is NOT a supporting detail? a. The Iroquois asked the New York State Museum to return 12 belts. b. The National Museum of the American Indian returned 11 belts to the Onondaga. c. Many museums still have belts that the Iroquois would like returned. d. The museums only borrow their belts for a short period of time.
d. The museums only borrow their belts for a short period of time.
This is what the French traded with the Iroquois to obtain.
Beaver fur.