Lily's mom had 3 children, Meghan, Janet, and?
Do I like comedy or romance?
What is the first battle star in loomian?
Battle star Naya
A rooster is sitting on top of a barn. If it laid an egg, which side would it roll?
Roosters don't lay eggs
Do i like dogs or cats?
Who created adopt me?
NewFissy & BeThink
I can fly ,but i don't have wings. I cry but, i don't have eyes. What am I?
A cloud
What is my least favorite subject?
Math or Science?
What is the water starter's name?
I am once in a minute, twice in a moment, and never in a thousand years. What am I?
The letter M
What is my favorite color?
What 2 houses do i have in adopt me?
Hollywood Mansion and Fairy house
I go all around the world ,but never leave a corner. What am I?
A stamp
Do i like curry or curry pizza better?
What is my best pet in adopt me?
Ride Artic Reindeer