Community and Social Context
Neighborhood and Physical Environment
Economic Stability/Health System Access

This period of education, typically occurring between the ages of 14 and 18, plays a crucial role in shaping individuals' health behaviors and outcomes.

What is high school?


 A balanced diet includes various food groups such as fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, and this group that includes milk, cheese, and yogurt.

What is dairy?


It is a response from being worried or in mental tension about a situation.

What is Stress?


A shelter that supports a state of complete physical, mental, security, privacy and social well-being. 

What is healthy housing?


This is a measure of how easily a patient can reach a doctor or other healthcare provider to recieve services. 

What is accessibility?

This support program in schools provides students with guidance, mental health support, and resources to navigate academic challenges and promote overall well-being.

What are school counseling services?


This government agency oversees food safety regulations to protect public health and prevent foodborne illnesses.

What is the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)?


Occurs when there is unfair or prejudicial treatment towards people or groups based on race, gender, age, or sexual orientation. 

What is Discrimination?


This is the physical, social and economic systems that support the society with water supply, waste disposal, and pollution control services.

What is environmental infrastructure?


This is a measure of how sustainable the cost of a healthcare service is compared to the patient's ability to pay for it. 

What is affordability?


This aspect of education emphasizes the importance of providing students with opportunities for physical activity and play, which are essential for their overall health and development.

What is recess and physical education?


This term refers to neighborhoods where people have limited access to affordable and healthy food options.

What are food deserts?


This is a social network around you that helps your wellbeing, encourages healthy behaviors, offers guidance, offers a listening ear, and helps you combat isolation/ loneliness.

What is a support system?


The chemical, physical, and biological characteristics of water based on the standards of usage

What is water quality?


This measures a healthcare provider's ability to adapt to meet the needs of a patient. 

What is accomodation?


Students who participate in this type of educational program, which focuses on building leadership skills and civic engagement, tend to have better health outcomes.

What is service-learning?


The presence of fast-food restaurants and convenience stores selling unhealthy food in a community is often associated with higher rates of this health issue.

What is obesity?


The process individuals go through to incorporate into the community around them socially and economically by developing friendships, social capital, and social connections. 

What is Social Integration?


This is the man-made structures, features, and facilities in an environment in which people live and work.

What is the built environment?


This concept is the idea that people should have equal access to good health, regardless of factors like race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, disability, and others. 

What is health equity?


This term refers to the disparity in educational resources and opportunities, which can lead to differences in health outcomes.

What is the education gap?


This government program helps low-income families afford nutritious food, improving their overall health.

What is SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program)?


It is an umbrella term that describes the various approaches aimed to maximize involvement of local communities in initiatives to improve their health and wellbeing to reduce health inequalities.

What is Community Engagement?


Social surroundings like a church, bookstore, gym, etc. that separate two usual social environments of home (first space) and workplace (second space).

What are third spaces?


This concept is the idea social structures and governing bodies can perpetuate inequity and harm to underserved communities.

What is institutional inequality?