Course Prep
How Well Do Know the Material?
Grading Criteria
Course Specific Policies
Academic Success

A document that outlines the details of an academic course and overall expectations for students throughout the semester, essentially serving as a guide for the entire class

What is the Syllabus?


a small group of students who gather to discuss a piece of literature they have all read, allowing them to share their interpretations, perspectives, and critical analysis of the text in a collaborative setting.

What is a reading circle?


Exam and quiz scores will not be rounded and will be entered in grade book in Blackboard to the nearest hundredth of a percent.

What is Grade Rounding?


Attendance at (95%) of required class sessions per week. Absences for more than (5%) of the required classes in a semester, receive a grade of “F” or “W”. Two (2) unexcused absences constitute a failure.

What is the Attendance Policy?


Personal electronic devices, should be TURNED OFF prior to start of class so that students can devote their full attention to all class activities

What is the Electronic Device Policy?


A goal set for students in a course to help assess if the course has met a specific competency.

What is a Student Learning Objective


A short, abbreviated evaluation of the knowledge acquired during  a smaller portion of time.

What is a mini exam?


A student must maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA for all graduate courses and achieve a course grade of C or better



An automatic grade of 0 after 3 days, and a 10% penalty per day

What is the Late Assignment Policy?


Located in Founders Hall 220A, a resource designed to assist all students in subject-specific tutoring for their courses at FMU, with a goal of improving understanding, study skills, and proficiency.

What is the Tutoring Center?


A way to ensure that students have prepared appropriately by reading the assigned textbook readings.

What is an Entry Ticket?


Assesses a students’ understanding of class content at the end of a class and provides the student with an opportunity to reflect on what they have learned.  

What is an exit ticket?


The tool for grading active participation and professional behavior in the classroom.

What is the The Scholar-Practitioner Development Rubric?


Falsifying any academic documents or related materials, cheating, and the giving or receiving of unauthorized aid in tests, examinations, or other assigned work.

What is the Academic Dishonesty?


Located in Founders Hall 114-C, services to help all students improve their current writing abilities and acquire the skills needed to succeed at writing tasks in academic and professional communities.

What is the Writing Center?


The Learning Management System that will be used for posting course content/handouts, assignments, and online mini exams

What is Blackboard?


The process of carefully examining, based on specific criteria, an assessment’s effectiveness, strengths, weaknesses, and overall value.

What is an Evaluation/Assessment Review?


A 3 inch, 3 ring, flexible presentation binder which contains the assessment summaries that are completed during class.

What is a Resource Binder?


Punctual attendance is a professional behavior and is required at all times. A student is considered late if they arrive after class has started. The faculty member or instructor has the discretion of sending the student home for repeated lateness.  

What is Tardiness?


Can be arranged with any or all course/clinical instructors in which the student requires to properly execute coursework through the Office for Counseling and Testing.

What are Disability Accommodations?


To “prepare, competent, compassionate and caring occupational therapists that have a sound understanding of culturally effective, medically relevant, ethical, evidence-based care” who understand that comprehensive evaluation, as part of the total scheme of practice, is imperative for supporting the efficacy of interventions. 

What is the Relationship of the course to Program’s Mission & Vision?


Detailed guidelines and explanations on how to complete an assessment, including the format, expectations, criteria for grading, and any specific procedures the test taker needs to follow to properly answer the questions or perform the task.

What is the Instruction Manual & Training Video?


The performance measurement tool for presentations and evaluation of competency.

What is the PPA-RT Rating Scale?


Copying more than two or three consecutive words from an author; using an author’s words as her/his own; submitting work completed by another individual; submitting work previously completed for another course; and use of AI generators and/or AI powered writing assistants without proper citations

What is plagiarism?

Padlet, Power Point, Canvas, Blackboard & Vimeo are examples of resources which are used to facilitate the completion and submission of assignments.

What is Educational Technology?