In a closed syllable, is the vowel followed by a consonant or a vowel?
A consonant
An open syllable ends in what type of sound?
a long vowel sound
Break the word identify into syllables and find the open syllables.
i den tif y. The open syllables are i and y.
What are the five r control syllable combinations.
They are ar, or, er, ir and ur?
What sound will the vowel make?
The short sound
Open syllables end in what type of letter.
A vowel
Break the word electric into syllables and find the closed syllables.
e lec tric.
lec and tric are closed syllables
What vowel sound do you hear in most vowel team syllables? (long or short?)
long - The first vowel makes a long vowel sound and the other vowel is silent.
Why is the word bath a closed-syllable word?
Bath has a short a sound and is followed by a consonant digraph.
Name the open syllable in the word beyond.
It is the be in beyond.
Break the word portable into syllables and identify the last syllable type.
por ta ble. The last syllable type is C-le.
r controlled
What does Vce syllable mean?
It means a vowel followed by a consonant that is followed by an e.
A closed syllable can be part of a multi-syllabic word. Which word has a closed syllable: solo or direction?
di rect ion
Does the word computer have any open syllables?
One, because of the pu in com pu ter
Break the word transportation into syllables and find the open syllable.
tran spor ta tion. The open syllable is ta.
vowel team
Find the Vce syllable in the word enterprise.
It is prise.
Separate the word encyclopedia into syllable and then identify the closed syllable.
en cy clo pe di a and the closed syllable is en.
Separate the word vocabulary into syllables and tell the open syllables in the word.
Vo cab u lar y which has 3 open syllables vo, u, and y).
Break the word disagreeable into syllables and find the vowel team syllable.
dis a gree able. The vowel team syllable is gree.
What syllable type is always found at the end of the word?
The c-le (consonant le) syllable
Explain why picnic has two closed syllables.
pic has a short vowel and ends with a consonant and nic has a short vowel and ends with a consonant.
which of the following words have open syllables: lady, glasses, until, so, before, me, tent
lady, me, so, and before
Break the word organization into syllables and find the open syllables.
i and za are the open syllables
What type of syllables would have one of the following:ea, ee, ai, oa, ie?
Vowel Team