Classroom Expectations
Grading Policy
Required Materials

Students must show this by treating everyone with kindness, listening when others speak, and caring for classroom materials.

What is respect?


This assessment type accounts for 30% of the overall grade in this course.

What are tests?


This historical period spans the years A.D. 500–1789 and includes the social, cultural, and technological changes in Europe, Africa, and Asia.

What is Medieval and Early Modern Times?


This course covers the period from the framing of this document up to World War I.

What is the Constitution?


This item, essential for note-taking, is one of the required materials for the course.

What is a notebook?


Failing to do this with your SCHOOL iPad, which should be used only for school-related activities, will result in a $50 fee.

What is keeping your iPad charged or losing it?


This category, contributing 20% to the final grade, is evaluated based on creativity and effort.

What are projects?


This term refers to the exchange of ideas, beliefs, technologies, and commodities among great civilizations during this time period.

What is cultural diffusion?


The syllabus emphasizes America’s role in this major global conflict that took place in the early 20th century.

What is World War I?


These tools, necessary for writing, are required for students to bring to class.

What are writing utensils?


This policy deducts 10% from the final grade for each day an assignment is late, up to a maximum of 5 days.

  • What is the late work policy?

Classwork/Notes and Participation/Behavior together make up this percentage of the final grade.

  • What is 25%?

The rise of this political philosophy during the Enlightenment emphasized reason and questioned traditional authority, including the divine right of kings.

What is Enlightenment philosophy?


Students will trace the development of American politics, society, culture, and economy and relate them to the emergence of these differences.

What are major regional differences?


This resource, provided in class, contains the primary content students will study throughout the course.

What is the textbook?


To avoid a grade of 0 for missed assignments due to absence, students must do this by the end of the week after their return.

What is approach the teacher to collect makeup work?


This category evaluates a student's understanding of material and accounts for 15% of the grade.

What are quizzes?


This concept, popularized during the Enlightenment, argues that certain rights are inherent to all humans and cannot be taken away.

What are natural rights?


This internal conflict is studied with a focus on its causes, course, and consequences for the new nation.

What is the Civil War?


The criteria for grading these assignments include creativity and effort.

What are projects?


This is the penalty applied for each day an assignment is late.

What is 10%?


These are the historians and scientists who study artifacts, structures, and other physical remains of past cultures to understand ancient civilizations.

Who are archaeologists?