You should always wear________ during a lab.
Lab apron/goggles/gloves/close toes shoes
Used for taking temperature
The first thing you do when you come into class is
Move your magnet on the would you rather board
What are we dissecting in this class?
Worms and Brains
How many kids does she have?
You cannot have ___________ on lab days
Food/drinks/Open toe shoes/baggy clothes/hair down
This vital sign can be taken either manually or automatically using a machine.
Blood Pressure
As soon as you sit down you should
Start on the bellringer
What is the program/curriculum we use?
Project Lead The Way.
What is her favorite beverage(s)?
Diet Dr. Pepper/White Monster Energy Drink
Never mix _______ without being instructed to do so.
We need what to do grow bacteria. (name at least 2 things)
Petri dish, tryptic soy broth, nutrient agar
Notebooks get placed in what color bin?
1- red
3- green
5- blue
6- purple
Name at least 2 unites we will be covering
Forensics, Vital Signs, The Brain, Bacteria/Viruses/Antibiotics, Lab Safety/Scientific Inquiry
Favorite football AND baseball team?
Green Bay Packers and Los Angeles Dodgers
If you have a question you should immediately
Ask before moving on
Used to hear heart beat, breaths/lungs, and help take blood pressure.
What are the 2 rules about eating in class?
Must clean up after yourself AND it cannot be during lab days
For each experiment we do, you will have to write a
C.E.R (claim, evidence, and reasoning statement)
How long has she been teaching?
8 years
Horseplay, making a mess, using tools improperly in a lab will lead to
A referral, getting removed from the class, and/or getting OSS
This device collects your oxygen saturation and heart rate.
Pulse Ox
You cannot leave class unless what 2 things happen?
The room is clean and everyone is seated.
Name 1 lab for each of the 5 units we have planned.
What subjects has she taught? List at least 3
Science(6-8 grades), gifted/seminar, ELA, and (cotaught) math.