When should we sign up for our google classrooms?
By tomorrow!
Standard mastery is grade on a scale of ...
You will need this for writing.
Pens and Pencils.
What does it mean to be on time for class?
Being on time does not mean walking in as the bell rings. Being on time means you are in your seat with a notebook open, copying your do-now and aim into your notebook. Anything other than this is not on time.
Who releases you from class is it the bell or the professor?
The professor!
Where can we find our Google Classroom codes?
On our syllabus
Notebook checks will fall under what category?
You will need this to store all of your notes and handouts.
Can you wear hats, hoods, or sunglasses in class?
What should you do when Professor Reilly starts to count down?
Put our writing utensil down and look at the speaker.
Should we use our CSS or DOE emails to set up our Google Classrooms?
Homework will often be ...
reading associated with the lessons to follow that week or short tasks/assignments that will help build on work done in class.
You will need this for creative writing
Can you use phones in class?
What should we do when we enter the room?
-Take your seat quietly.
-Take out your ELA binder.
-Copy down your homework, aim, and do-now.
-Begin your do-now.
What can I find on Google Classroom?
Classroom citizenship is based on ...
Your behavior, attitude, engagement and demeanor in class. 5 points per week, to be given according to the classroom citizenship rubric.
You will need this to store loose handouts and materials.
What is the proper way to start an email to your professor?
Dear Professor Reilly,
Hello Professor Reilly,
Are you allowed to borrow books from the classroom library?
How do I sign up for google classroom?
Is standard mastery cumulative or non-cumulative?
You will need this to read and analyze.
The current piece of literature we are reading.
Following the rules will improve what grade?
Citizenship grade
How many people can leave the room to use the bathroom/water fountain at once?