What is this course?
English 101: Beginning College Writing
What do you need to bring every class (if you have one)?
A computer!
How many essays will you be writing in this course?
3 Essays
What collaborative in-class activity will assist you with improving outlines and rough drafts?
Peer Reviews!
Where can students get extra help with any writing questions at CSUF?
The Writing Center located in the Library!
What time does this class meet?
Tuesdays and Thursdays (10:00 - 11:15AM)
Where are all the materials/readings located for this course?
On Canvas!
What is the Final Project in this course?
Metacognitive Cover Letter and Portfolio
How much percent will be taken out of your final grade for any late essay assignments?
10%! (Unless discussed beforehand)!
What movie did we not want to discuss in class on Tuesday?
What is the Professor's name?
Professor Marco Randazzo
What kind of email must you use to gain access to anything (prompts, articles, etc.) in this class?
Your CSUF email address!
What is the "only" homework due each week for this course?
Annotations of the reading assigned.
How long will it take for the instructor to respond to any emails?
Usually 1-2 days, unless it is the weekend then Monday morning!
What book series does Gabriela like to read?
Percy Jackson Series!
What is this class room number?
Where will all essay outlines, rough drafts, and final drafts be written?
Google Docs.
When are all annotations due?
Every Tuesday BEFORE class! 9:45AM
How many classes can you miss before you will have a harder time passing this course?
None! Just kidding! 4 unexcused absences may result in you having a harder time earning the grade you want.
Where did the instructor go to get his Bachelor's Degree?
What is the professor's school email address?
What is the name of the only required text for this class?
Bonus: What is the author's name?
"The Fire Next Time"
James Baldwin
What percentage of your final grade is the Final Portfolio project of this class?
60%! Oooooo so scary!
Name 3 of the 8 aspects that contribute to your participation grade.
1. your attentiveness to others
2. your own willingness to share ideas, examples, ideas, and responses in full-class discussions
3. your willingness to volunteer to read aloud, or work in small-group discussions
4. your collaborative participation in small-group exercises
5. your in-class efforts to practice skills we practice; your feedback to others.
6. your before-class preparation of readings
7. your willingness to ask questions
8. your class attendance.
What student studies criminal justice?
Bonus: What do they want to be with that BA?