It's What's Required
Making the Grade
Better Late Than Never
Keeping it (Conduct) Classy

It's where you'll find the course textbook.

What is online?


It's how I will determine your participation grade.

What is level of engagement?


It's the designated day, time, and place for students to make up any missing tests — which means other times and dates are usually not an option.

What is every Monday at lunch in Room 6?


You'll need to display this at all times during lectures, class activities, and assessments.

What is displaying a positive attitude?


Students will be expected to participate and be engaged in these types of class activities.

What are discussions?

You'll need to bring these two items — one fully charged — to class each day. 

What is a laptop and charger?


The result of a grade review is ________ and not subject to further review requests.

What is irreversible?


Unexcused late work for major assignments will receive this late penalty.

What is 10 percent for every day that they're late?


It's what might happen if you work on material from another course while in History class.

What is lose your laptop or the other course material for the rest of class?


It's what you need to use if emailing the instructor (that's me!).

What is professional email etiquette and demeanor? 


My college — Cal Poly SLO — definitely rules, but this college-ruled item is a must for each and every class.

What is paper?


It's where you'll find the standard high school grading scale that's used in this history class.

What is the SCDS High School Handbook?


It's what happens if students don't show up to make up a test on the required date.

What is they will receive a 10 percent deduction for every day that they miss the test?

Doing these two things is not allowed in class — unless your beverage is in a vacuum-sealed Hydroflask or YETI container (or we have a party). 

What is eating and/or drinking?


Students will be expected to show a willingness to hear these, including by not interrupting or dominating other students while we have class discussions.

What are different viewpoints?


You can't always keep it together in high school, but you should keep your History work together in this item.

What is a notebook or binder?


It's never given in ad hoc situations, meaning I will only assign it to the entire class and never by individual request.

What is additional/extra credit work?


Unexcused late homework will receive this deduction off of the original point value.

What is 50 percent?


All students must treat the classroom as an ________ space where all belong.

What is inclusive?


This form of technology is not allowed in format, setting, or circumstance, nor on any assignment or part of an assignment, unless the instructor explicitly allows its use.

What is artificial intelligence (AI)?


A variety of these items will be required to read throughout the course (just name one).

What are scholarly articles, essays, editorials and primary source documents?


It's the three possible outcomes that could happen if you ask for a review of an assignment grade.

What is your grade could increase, stay the same, or decrease?


It's the amount of time that you get to make up work after an excused absence.

What is a time period equivalent to the number of school days missed?


It's what you'll use to take quizzes and exams in CAVNet during class; remember, misuse it and lose it.

What is your laptop?

It's the three progressive consequences that will occur, in order, for not following the class conduct expectations.

What is verbal warning from the instructor, student-instructor meeting, and disciplinary referral for detention and phone conference with guardians?