True or False: Coming late to class without a pass is fine, no big deal!
What are the 3 grading categories?
Classwork, Tests/projects, academic responsibility
If someone makes a poor decision, what does Ms. Lobasso do first?
Verbal warning
True or False: Cell phones are allowed in class
List one way you can be respectful in class to your classmates.
The "Class Rules Poster" was a part of this grading category
If Ms. Lobasso has already spoken to you 3 times or more, and you decide to make the same poor decision, what happens?
Phone call home
Chairs must remain in their _______.
Spots or place
Finish the sentence. In music class, you should always try your _______.
What % is your classwork grade worth?
Describe what your daily academic responsibility grade is.
The choices you make in class.
When you are late without a pass, what do you need to sign into?
The late log
If someone is bothering you in class, what should you do if you're trying to respond respectfully?
Redirect them, ignore them, focus on your work, etc.
Name something that would be a part of your classwork grade
Kahoot, Do Nows, in class worksheets, etc.
What happens after 5 infractions? (List all 3 things)
Detention, dean, and possible removal from extra-curriculars
There are assigned seats of your choice unless....?
You're making poor choices/being disruptive.
List all 4 course expectations from the syllabus
Be on time, be self responsible, be respectful, always try your best
If you add your classwork % with your academic responsibility %, you get this number
List 3 things that would lower your daily academic responsibility.
Phone, being late, talking during instruction, bullying
List all 5 things that must go on the sign out sheet when you go to the bathroom.
Name, date, time in, time out, and where you're going.