What is the color of Dr. Saul's cat?
What is Dr. Saul's email address?
What should you avoid using in class?
To refrain from using cell phones and other electronic devices during class that may distract you or your peers from learning.
This format is required for all written assignments in the course, including the Guest Speaker Reflection Papers and the 15 Hours Volunteering Reflection Paper.
APA 7th Edition
How quickly should you expect to receive grades on assignments?
Within one week, all assignments should be graded. You will be able to find your grade in Canvas. In some cases, I will use a rubric to grade your assignment. Other times, I may use the comments option
What time does Dr. Saul go to bed on week nights?
early 9:30/10 pm
Where is Dr. Saul's office located? (name the building)
(Specifically ZEB 335-B)
At what time should you arrive to class?
On time. You should begin practicing arrive on time now so that you are prepared for your future career
How many hours do you need to volunteer throughout the semester?
15 hours
What should we do if we have a medical emergency and miss an assignment?
Contact Dr. Saul as soon as possible. When emailing Dr. Saul, make sure to include documentation (ex. a doctors note).
What are some of Dr. Saul's research interests? Name at least 2
Prevention, Stress Management, Biofeedback, Anxiety/Depression
When emailing Dr. Saul directly through Outlook, what should you include in the email?
Include the course number in the subject line
Why does Dr. Saul wish that she was a mind-reader?
Because then she would know when you need help. But because she isn't a mind reader, you should reach out if you need anything
For this assignment, you and your group will choose and present on a specific Recreational Therapy (RT) Model, using tools like PowerPoint, Prezi, or Google Slides.
RT Model Group Presentation
What percentage of your grade is the Volunteering?
15% of your grade.
What does Dr. Saul enjoy doing in her free time? Name at least two
Running, Going to the Beach, Working Out, Spending Time with Friends & Family, Playing with my cat (Oliver), Traveling
When should you expect a response from Dr. Saul if you email her on Tuesday at 11 pm?
Wednesday morning when she gets into the office or within 24 - 48 hours.
Is attendance mandatory?
No, I will be taking attendance daily, but it will not count toward your grade. However, if you miss an in-class activity, you will not be able to make up the assignment if it is not an excused absence.
What type of volunteering is allowed?
Working with individuals with disabilities
True or False. Dr. Saul offers extra credit.
True. Throughout the semester there will be opportunities for you to earn extra credit.
What are Dr. Saul's 3 degrees and where did she receive each degree?
MS in Recreational Therapy Administration
PhD in Rehabilitation Counseling & Administration
All degrees from East Carolina University
What are Dr. Saul's office hours? Be specific. What days of the week and what times?
Tues 8 - 9:15 am & 2-3:30 pm; Th 8 - 9:15 am & 12:30 - 1:30; other times by appointment
Yes. You should avoid sharing and receiving answers. This is an academic integrity violation.
In addition to volunteering, what are the other requirements of this assignment?
Writing a 2-page reflection paper about your experience and relating is back to the course content
What is the late policy for assignments? Be specific.
•Assignments are due at 11:59 pm unless otherwise noted.
•Ten percentage points per day (including weekends and holidays) will be deducted for late assignments.
•Assignments will NOT be accepted more than 10 days after the due date