The person who completes an inventory checklist, writes down missing items, and holds up the "MIC" sign so that the Missing In Class person can restock the supplies that are needed.
Who is the logistics coordinator?
The person responsible for replacing missing items in each group basket.
Who is the MIC?
The way you enter the room everyday.
What is quietly?
The activity that is done once a week in class and always due on FRIDAYS.
What is the note-taking assignment?
The place I can find my journal and portfolio for class everyday.
Where is the bin beside position 1 in my group?
The person who makes sure there is no trash on the floor, in the desks, or on the desks, then raises the environmental services sign if the trash needs to be emptied.
Who is Maintenance?
The person who stands up, claps, and announces 10 minutes!
Who is the time manager?
Sit down and look at the message board.
What is the first thing you do after entering the room?
The assignment given on Mondays to do at home and due every FRIDAY.
What is homework?
The place I can see what is due, what we will be doing, and any other important information.
What is the message board or the website?
The person who checks to make sure everyone knows what the homework is and checks the portfolio bin to make sure it is properly organized.
What is the office manager?
The person who comes to my paper shelves and passes out all papers for their class first thing everyday.
Who is the postmaster?
The way you get Mrs.Smith's attention.
What is raise your hand?
The place you put tests when you are finished taking them.
What are the paper shelves labeled needs to be graded behind my table?
This is kept at home to use as a reference until May and not brought back to school until then.
Where is the textbook you were issued kept until May?
The person who checks to make sure that the work of the office manager, mainentance person, and logistics coordinator are done properly, who raises the check out sign for the lead person to come and check the group out, and after check out straightens the desks in the group.
Who is the Checker?
The people who stand in the back of the room and check that each group has completed their checklists properly when they see a sign.
Who is the Lead Checkers?
Asking a question that has already been addressed... especially if has been addressed more than once.
What is the only question that I should fear asking?
The place you put all assignments.
Where is the brown drawers behind the proper tab in the accordian files?
You may only do this in an extreme emergency.
What is go to the restroom?
The people who are quiet during the last ten minutes of the class period when we are cleaning up and lining up to leave.
Who is every person in the class?
The person responsible for carrying messages for the teacher, running any errands, and carrying the conduct book from class to class.
Who is the Courier?
The place I put any messages, comments, questions, concerns, or any old thing I might want to talk to the teacher about.
What is the top drawer of the brown drawers by the door?
These are half points given everyday that you work in class and behave the way you should.
What are points given for participation and behavior?
When you are allowed to get up out of your seat without permission?
When is never?.... Or when you think you might need to throw up! :)