Campus Resources
Supplemental Instruction
Any category!

Where on campus can you go to wind down and look at koi fish?

The Japanese Garden!


How many unexcused absences do you have for the entire semester?

4 absences

Where are Professor Gardner's office hours held?

Molecular & Life Sciences Center (MLSC) 138


How many practicums are there throughout the entire semester?

3 practicums


To view your grades in canvas, what box or setting does Professor Gardner have you uncheck?

"Calculate based only on graded assignments" checkbox


Name the campus resource that helps student in historically difficult classes by developing life long study skills in group settings.

Supplemental Instruction


What is the purpose of the SI leader?

The purpose of the SIL is to reinforce lecture material and help students develop life-long study habits


What percentage of cumulative material is on the final exam?

50% cumulative material. The other 50% is new lecture material


Name an example of an unexcused absence that will lead to the nullification of a student's APR score. 

1. Dog ate your lab

2. Car Problems

3. Sleeping in


What is the name of Professor Lee's (lab professor) youtube channel? Hint: Your SI Leader wrote this down in her last slides on canvas! It is under 208 Tips :)



If you need a wellness check-up, where can you go on campus? Hint: You can get free flu shots from here!

Student Health Services


Name one example of an excused absence per the SI Syllabus.

1. Illness, injury to the student, or medical conditions, including those related to pregnancy

2. Death, injury, or serious illness of an immediate family member. An immediate family member is defined as a close relative, or a person residing in the immediate household of the student.

3. Religious reasons (California Education Code section 89320)

4. Jury duty, military service, or other government obligation

5. University-sanctioned or approved activities. (examples include but are not limited to artistic performances, participation in scholarly conferences and presentations, intercollegiate athletic activities, student government, required class field trips, etc.)


What does SHARCS stand for? 

Study Help And Reviewing Concepts


Can students attend other lab professors office hours? Write an explanation verifying or falsifying this statement. 

No they cannot! Students are only able to attend their professor's lab office hours once a week to maintain fairness


If Professor Gardner is happy, what color of text should her emails be written in?



What is a similar resource to Supplemental Instruction but involves one-on-one interaction? 



Where do you go to office hours, and what information do you need to check into office hours? Give the answer as if you were checking into office hours.

SI students go to the SSC 160. They need to give the front desk the SI Leader's full name, target lecture, and SI section number

1. Caitlin Arellano

2. BIOL 208 | Professor Gardner | 12:30-1:45 PM

3. Section #12 


True or False: Exam material for the first three lecture exams only come from the SHARCS. Have a response ready to verify or falsify this statement.

False! Exam material for the first three lecture exams comes from the lectures, powerpoint slides, and SHARCS


How many times can a student attend lab office hours a week? Why?

Students can only attend office hours one hour a week in order to maintain fairness.


True or False: Professor Gardner allows students to work collaboratively on study materials and SHARCS. 

True! See page 2 in the syllabus for this information. It is under "see more details about lecture."


What time is the library open until during finals week? (Sunday - Thursday)

7:00 AM until 2:00 AM


What is the SI Leader's email policy? What information should you include in your subject? 

The SI Leader's email policy is that she will respond within 24 hours. Students should include their name and BIOL 208 in the subject!


What is the total weight (%) of your final exam?



How many points is the final practicum worth?

50 points


Name a format a lecture make-up test can be given as. 

Essay format