Literature Language Arts Overview
Hallmarks of Excellence

Students will understand that writing is a 

What is process

 Clear and legible handwriting is

What is an important expectation for all students.


It is essential that students are on-time and

What is present for all school days, whether in person or through distance learning?


It is students responsibility to check their

What is PowerSchool grade each week.


Students are expected to follow

What are the school-wide routines, expectations, and procedures (REPs) as well as our classroom agreements


Students will get an opportunity to practice various forms of writing such as:

What are narratives, persuasive writing, and expository writing..


A proper header is placed on the top 

What is the right-hand corner? 


 Late work is accepted a maximum of

What is two weeks after due date, except in special circumstances discussed with the teacher ahead of time.


If they are in need of an extension, support, or guidance around the completion of an assignment, they should

What is contact their teacher within that content


When students are not following the REPs and beliefs, they progress along the following sequence of

What are the consequences?


Students will study and analyze different story genres through reading a variety of texts in the 

What is Wonders California Reading/Writing Curriculum


Students are expected to write

What is neatly at all times?


All assessments, including projects and published writing, will be graded using

standardized rubrics, which demonstrate the level at which the assignment met the hallmarks of excellence and mastery of the focus skills or Common Core State Standards.


ELA Homework for students is to

What is read an independent book at the student’s appropriate reading level for at least 30 minutes every single day.


 Making Waves Academy makes every effort to implore restorative practices to

What is to build positive, respectful, and productive relationships?


Students will practice reading skills such as

What is making inferences and predictions, asking questions, summarizing, visualizing, and making connections to the text.


It is important to maintain a positive 

What is attitude, to be prepared to learn every day! 


If a student is absent from a lesson, their families responsibilities are as follows:

What is 

  • Check PowerSchool for grades

  • Help student to inquire about missed work

  • Ensure that work is completed according to the Hallmarks of Excellence and returned by the designated due date

  • In the event of excessive student absences an Action Form must be completed and submitted to the Student Support Team


Points work is 

What is optional work used to practice skills and earn classroom currency?


6 Classroom Agreements

What is

  • Be Kind: To yourself, your community, and your teacher

  • Be Willing: To learn, participate, and grow!

  • Be Ready: Come to class prepared to learn!

  • Be Patient: We are all human. Mistakes are opportunities for us to learn! 

  • Be yourself: I’m happy you are all here!

  • Follow CHAMP! BE A CHAMP!


Students will continue to practice these skills and apply their knowledge of reading strategies by participating in

What are workstations and read-alouds. 


All 5 Hallmarks of Excellence 

What is neat, organized, wrinkle-free, my personal best, on-time?

If a student is absent from a lesson, their responsibilities are as follows:

What is 

  • Inquire about missed work on the day of return

  • Make up work must be turned in within 2 weeks of the original assignment due date

  • To mark due dates and to write down the assignment in detail somewhere that can be easily accessed and remembered later (Student Planner!)

  • To ensure that work is completed according to the Hallmarks of Excellence and returned by the designated due date


The two requested materials 

What is a water bottle and an independent reading book?

Who needs to sign this syllabus 

Who are the student and the parent/guardian?