What food/drinks are allowed in class?
Sealed drinks
What is the maximum grade earned for unexcused late work?
Where are you not allowed to walk through to get to the Cal-Poly campus?
Through the parking garage!
What do you do during an earthquake drill?
Get under the desks.
Name one reason that an absence would be excused.
Funeral, court visit, family emergency, illness.
When should you use google chat to contact Caraza?
Never. Caraza hates google chat. Send an email.
How do you ask to go to the restroom?
Hand sign + sign out online
Are you EVER allowed to cross the street?
What do you do during a fire drill?
Line up and exit to the field with your teacher.
Who is responsible for figuring out which work was missing during an absence?
What is the AI Policy?
Are you allowed in the Cal-Poly Library?
What do you do during a lockdown drill?
Cover windows, lock door, turn off lights, stay quiet.
What classes do freshman project grades count for?
All core classes.
What happens if you are caught on your phone during class?
Caraza will put it in the cauldron for the rest of the day.
What is the retake policy?
You can retake any test IF you schedule it with Caraza.
When are you allowed to get food at Cal-Poly?
During lunch time only.
What do you do in an emergency when you are on CalPoly with an Ipoly teacher? (EG PE)
Report to your teacher and do not leave their sight.
What percent of your grade does freshman project count for?
What is the hate speech policy?
You get ONE warning after using a word considered hate speech. After that you write a 1000 word essay.
Between what times is Caraza available?
Between 7:30am-6pm
When are you allowed to be at the Cal-Poly gym?
During PE class only.
Who do you report to in the event of an emergency on the Cal Poly campus?
The building marshall