He is at first powerless, but becomes a superhuman, only to realize the struggles that power brings.
What show am I?
My Hero Academia
Name the plant that eats meat!
Venus Fly Trap
1473 + 2719 = ?
What is the name of the toy cowboy in Toy Story?
My senses "tingle." Who am I?
What can a human not do in space?
A. Laugh C. Burp
B. Sing D. Cry
What is the time on the clock right now?
What is the response to "See you later, Alligator!"
"In awhile Crocodile!"
I must find a cure for my sister after we are the only survivors from an attack from the demons.
Which show am I?
Demon Slayer
Our dwarf planet Pluto was actually named by who?
A. A Teacher C. A Girl
B. A Scientist D. A Computer
Pluto was named by an 11 year old girl named Venetia Burney. She suggested the name to her grandfather who then told his astronomer friend.
Ms. Angie has 2 quarters, 2 five dollar bills, 4 nickels, and 1 dimes. How much money does she have?
What type of fish is Nemo?
Harold and George created me. Who am I?
Which animal can run faster:
Horse or Ostrich?
Ostriches run faster, horses run up to 55 mph while ostriches run 60 mph.
4 x 2 x 9 =
Who is Batman's crime fighting sidekick?
I use a bright circle of fire to travel from place to place.
Who am I?
Doctor Strange
These nocturnal furry animals spend their days eating these gum leaves. Name the animal.
How many sides does an octagon have?
8 sides