peace, tranquility, calm, security, cleanliness, sky, water, cold, depression, baby boy, boyhood
What is blue?
the washing away of guilt, the origin of life, regeneration, cleansing, healing
What is water?
everlasting love, beauty, marriage, wealth, status
What is a diamond/diamond ring?
the spark of life, the giving of life or the taking of life, power, strength
What is lightning?
truth, safety, warmth, knowledge
What is light?
purity, simplicity, cleanliness, peace, innocence, youth, winter, snow, marriage, cold, clinical
What is white?
wisdom, rational knowledge, messenger of death
What is an owl?
danger, death, evil, toxic, poison
What is a skull?
birth, new beginnings, innocence
What is spring?
royalty, nobility, spirituality, ceremony, mystery, wisdom, luxury
What is purple?
joy, happiness, optimism, imagination, sunshine, summer, gold, illness, hazard
What is yellow?
temptation, evil
What is a snake?
mortality, eternal passage of time, day, patience
sadness, despair, new life
What is rain?
the meeting of heaven and earth, stability, safety, human pride
What is a mountain?
excitement, energy, passion, power, heat, love, blood, aggression, danger, fire, war, all things intense and passionate
What is red?
peace, purity, simplicity
What is a dove?
the cycle of life
What is a wheel/tree?
death, sleep, hibernation
What is winter?
perfection, heavenly light, dominion, masculinity
What is gold?
power, formality, elegance, wealth, fear, evil, anonymity, unhappiness, evil, sadness, remorse, anger, mourning, death
What is black?
power, pride
What is a lion?
warmth, comfort, passion, destruction,
What is fire?
pathway between heaven and earth, good fortune, rebirth, blessings, promises
What is a rainbow?
land of birth or rebirth, the sun, venus, youth, feasting, song and love
What is the East?