Signs/Symbols In The Real World
Ideas/Beliefs and Symbols
Symbols In Movies/Pop Culture
This symbol is used to let people know that the bathroom they are entering is for women.
This animal is used to symbolize the Democratic Party of the U.S.A.
The Flash's superpower is that he is very fast. The symbol on his chest is a lighting bolt which has an incredibly fast traveling speed. The lighting bolt represents his speed.
Diego enjoys listening to music. When he is feeling down, when he is feeling happy, when he is feeling in love; he enjoys putting on some headphones and tuning out the world around him. However, Diego does not have just any regular headphones. He has a very expensive set that blocks out noise, amplifies bass, and provides perfect resonation. What can you infer about Diego based on the fact that he has these headphones?
He is passionate about music and wants the best music listening experience.
This is a symbol for danger and is often put in front of poisonous liquids to let people know they are not safe to drink.
This symbol is used to show that a person believes Jesus was crucified and is the "son of God".
The Misfits were a punk band formed in 1977. They sang about aliens, horror films, serial killers, and Halloween. Why might they have chosen the following as their band's symbol?
It symbolizes their fascination with horror or "scary" subjects like death.
When Emilio was young, he and his best friend spent hours playing FIFA 15. Emilio and his best friend would constantly create teams and update their rosters before spending hours going against each other and against other players on the internet. The time spent together playing that game helped strengthen their relationship. Emilio's friend has moved, but Emilio still keeps the game around. What can you infer about Emilio based on the fact that he keeps the game?
He misses his friend. He has very good memories with his friend and the game helps him remember them.
This symbol is placed in libraries, hospitals, and other places where people are expected to be quiet. Sometimes teachers will use this gesture as a symbol for their students to be quiet.
This symbol of hatred for races other than white was used by the Nazis of Germany.
What does the following scene from the movie Titanic symbolize?
That Rose is ready to leave the past behind her and finally move on.
Leon's room is very big. If you were to go into it you would see that she has many things thrown around it. There is a guitar with an old sheet of music, there is an old basketball that seems to be dusty, there is a camera that has a scratch on the lens, there is a karate uniform that seems to have been used just yesterday. What can you infer about Leon based on this information about these objects?
Leon is very talented and has many interests. Leon moves on from one interest to the next very quickly. Leon does not take care of his belongings. Leon is very curious about the world around him.
The following is a symbol for letting the driver know what?
That they cannot enter a street.
Batman is often recognized by the bat symbol. Why has Batman chosen a bat as the symbol for himself?
He has a fear of bats, so he picks his most-feared creature and turns it on his enemies.
Mr. Toledo keeps a small doll on his desk in the front of the class. The doll was given to him by an indigenous woman who took care of him when he was a child. This woman was with him while his mother worked in the town they lived in and while his father worked in another country. The woman taught him a lot about being kind to people and read to him. The woman fed him and showed him the long process of getting food from a farm to an actual dinner plate. Why does Mr. Toledo keep the doll? What does it symbolize for him?
It symbolizes the respect he has for the woman who took care of him. It symbolizes all of the lessons she taught him.
A barbershop.
This is the color that symbolizes Communism?
Wrecking Ball
Mr. Avdic has a plate on his desk that a student bought him during an 8th grade trip to Washington, D.C that took a long time for Mr. Avdic to plan. The student secretly had all of the students on the trip sign it before giving it to Mr. Avdic. Even though Mr. Avdic no longer works with these students, he keeps the plate displayed. What does it symbolize for him?
That all of the hard work it takes to plan something for students is appreciated in the end. To keep working hard on behalf of children.