Who redeems us from our sin?
Where in the Bible can I find the story of Noah’s ark?
Genesis 6-9
What body of water did Moses lead the Israelites through to escape from the Egyptian Army?
The Red Sea (Exodus 14)
Which Gospel writer tells the story of the baby Jesus being visited by the Magi (Wise Men)?
Matthew (chapter 2)
Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel are known as the “major prophets” because their prophetic books are longer than others.
Lamentations and Baruch go with the story of Jeremiah.
How many minor prophets are there in the Bible?
12 (see YC 16 or count in Bible)
According to the video, what are the 3 promises that God gave to Abraham?
1) Nation
2) Kingdom
3) Worldwide Blessing
Where in the Bible is the story of the creation of the universe and the creation of humans?
Genesis 1-2
(100 points for locating one of the 2 stories)
The first 5 books of the Bible are called the Pentateuch (or Torah). Near the end of the Pentateuch, a great leader of the Israelites dies. Who was this leader, and on what mountain did he die?
Moses died on Mount Nebo (Deuteronomy 34)
How old was Jesus when He began his public ministry?
About 30 years old (Luke 3:23)
This woman hero (with a Book of the Bible named after her) famously beheaded a great enemy of Israel.
Judith (Judith 13:6-9)
According to the video, what are the 3 major parts in the story of salvation?
Creation, Fall, Redemption
Where in the Bible does God first make promises to Abram (Abraham)?
Genesis 12
This book in the category of Wisdom literature begins in chapter 1, verse 2 with the famous phrase:
“Vanity of vanities, says Qoheleth, vanity of vanities! All things are vanity!”
There are a few times that Jesus raised a person from the dead in the Bible (besides His own Resurrection). Find one of these passages.
Luke 7:11-17 (Widow’s son at Nain)
Mark 5:21-43 (Daughter of Jairus)
Luke 8:40-56 (Daughter of Jairus)
Matthew 9:18-26 (Daughter of a ruler)
John 11:38-44 (Lazarus)
Name at least 8 kings of Judah and/or Israel in the Old Testament.
Saul, David, Solomon, Rehoboam, Jeroboam, Josiah, Hezekiah, Ahab …
According to the video, what are the 3 parts of the mission of the Church?
1) Proclaim the kingdom of God
2) Make disciples
3) Baptize people.
Abraham had a son named Isaac. Isaac had twins names Esau and Jacob. After a mysterious wrestling match, Jacob is given a new name. What is this new name?
Israel (Genesis 32:22-32)
This minor prophet begins his message to Israel in chapter 1, verse 2 with the statement:
“‘I have loved you,’ says the Lord.”
Which Apostle healed so many people that the sick tried to even touch his shadow?
Which Apostle did people touch with handkerchiefs and then carry these away to heal the sick?
200 points each.
Peter (Acts 5:15)
Paul (Acts 19:11-12)
Sirach 44-50 gives praise to various heroes from Israel’s history. Write the name of at least 10 people mentioned in this poem of praise.
Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Moses, Aaron, Phineas, Joshua, Caleb, Samuel, Nathan, David, Solomon, Elijah, Elisha, Hezekiah, Josiah, Nehemiah, Joseph …
According to the video, what is the chain of expansion from One Man (Adam) to One Church.
(5 intermediate steps worth 100 points each)
One man -> one couple -> one family -> one tribe -> one nation -> one kingdom -> one Church
What Jewish feast has its origins in the story of God delivering the Israelites from Pharaoh through the leadership of Moses?
Passover (Exodus 12-13)
This major prophet resists God’s call in chapter one with the excuse:
“Ah, Lord God, I do not know how to speak. I am too young!”
What are 5 of the 7 phrases that Jesus spoke from the Cross in the Gospels?
Write them down to submit your answer.
“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
“I thirst.”
“It is finished.”
“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.”
“Today you will be with me in paradise.”
“Woman, behold your son.”
“Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.”
HEAD-TO-HEAD SPECIAL - get your pen and paper ready!
Make your wagers.
Write as many names of characters in the Bible that you can think of. You have one minute.
Team that wins add their wager to their score.
Team that loses subtracts their wager from their score.