It deals with the influence of the stars & planets on a person's life
You could fill this study room with thieves, lions, or Cub Scouts
the den
A small car, or a small mirrored case in a handbag
a compact
This type of taffy was made famous in Atlantic City in the late 19th century
You probably ran home at lunch to watch this game show that debuted March 30, 1964 with host Art Fleming
My very last opportunity to compose a category at Symphony. Final ___
(I will miss you all! -Al)
This is my final hurrah or call
(hip hip)
It's the study or art of applying makeup
It can be a corridor, a vestibule, or the main room for dining
the hall
A 2001 experiment found not just primates but these aquatic mammals recognize themselves in mirrors
These baked puddings go back to Civil War days & "apple brown" is the most popular kind
Theodore, Simon & he formed a famous musical trio
Alvin (and the Chipmunks)
The last straight part of a racecourse before the finish line
final ___
final stretch
(rubber band quality)
Ethnology, which compares the cultures of various peoples, is part of this field
This system might be central, steam, or radiant
The "Car Talk" guys recommend pulling up next to a line of parked cars to adjust this
side view mirrors
This fruit, whose name comes from Greek daktylos, "finger", may be 55% sugar before drying
a date
It's the make your own soft drink, just drop in the tablet to create the carbonation.
Last in a series of events that make a situation intolerable
final ___
final straw
(a little sip vehicle)
This major field of biology concerns the body's defenses against disease & foreign substances
Designed to be used once, they blow when too much current goes through them
a fuse
A shaving mirror is usually this curved type
a concave mirror
Attar of these flowers is the traditional flavoring of Turkish delight
Introduced to American backyards in 1961, this 25' long sheet of plastic was attached to a hose
Slip n' Slide
Last act or last period of enjoyment before circumstances change
last ___
last fling
(toss or thrown)
This specialty of criminology studies criminal rehabilitation & prison management
Large, lavishly illustrated books are named after this low table on which they are often displayed
In the 18th c. James Short cut the distortion with the first truly parabolic & elliptical mirrors for these
This gelatinlike substance is used to make jams, jellies & preserves jell
Some 1969 Huffys, a brand of these, featured banana seats
An event that causes something already struggling to fall completely
final ___ ___ ___ ___
final nail in the coffin
(end of your finger)