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This person was the first man to walk on the moon.

Hint: "One small step for man..."
πŸ‘‰ Who is Neil Armstrong?


This animated family has been on TV since 1989, making it the longest-running animated show.

Hint: "D'oh!"
πŸ‘‰ What is The Simpsons?


This is the largest ocean in the world.

Hint: It's named after peace.
πŸ‘‰ What is the Pacific Ocean?


This planet is known as the Red Planet.

Hint: Named after a Roman god of war.
πŸ‘‰ What is Mars?


This document, signed in 1776, declared the U.S. independent from Britain.

Hint: It was written by Thomas Jefferson.
πŸ‘‰ What is the Declaration of Independence?


This is the name of the fairy in Peter Pan.

Hint: She sprinkles pixie dust.
πŸ‘‰ Who is Tinker Bell?


This company was the first to introduce the smartphone in 2007.

Hint: It starts with "i."
πŸ‘‰ What is Apple?


This 1994 Disney film features a lion cub named Simba.

Hint: Hakuna Matata!
πŸ‘‰ What is The Lion King?


This European city has a leaning tower.

Hint: It's in Italy.
πŸ‘‰ What is Pisa?


Humans have this many chromosomes.

Hint: It’s the number of hours in a day.
πŸ‘‰ What is 46?


This U.S. president served four terms, the longest in history.

Hint: His initials are FDR.
πŸ‘‰ Who is Franklin D. Roosevelt?


This is the chemical symbol for gold.

Hint: It’s only two letters.
πŸ‘‰ What is Au?


This city hosted the first modern Olympic Games in 1896.

Hint: It's in Greece.
πŸ‘‰ What is Athens?


This HBO fantasy series, based on books by George R.R. Martin, became a global sensation.

Hint: "Winter is coming."
πŸ‘‰ What is Game of Thrones?


Mount Everest is located in this mountain range.

Hint: Home to the Yeti legend.
πŸ‘‰ What are the Himalayas?


This gas makes up the majority of Earth's atmosphere.

Hint: It's 78% of what we breathe.
πŸ‘‰ What is nitrogen?  


This ancient wonder was a giant statue that stood in Rhodes, Greece.

Hint: It was one of the Seven Wonders.
πŸ‘‰ What is the Colossus of Rhodes?


This country has the most pyramids in the world.

Hint: It's not Egypt!
πŸ‘‰ What is Sudan?


This U.S. state was the first to join the Union after the original 13 colonies.

Hint: Think of pineapples and not the mainland.
πŸ‘‰ What is Hawaii?


This Marvel superhero is known for his shield and the phrase "I can do this all day."

Hint: His real name is Steve Rogers.
πŸ‘‰ Who is Cap


This African river is the longest in the world.

Hint: Cleopatra sailed on it.
πŸ‘‰ What is the Nile?


The largest organ in the human body is this.

Hint: You shed it every day!
πŸ‘‰ What is the skin?


This war lasted from 1939 to 1945.

Hint: The U.S. entered after Pearl Harbor.
πŸ‘‰ What is World War II?


A baby goat is called this.

Hint: It’s also a slang word for a cool person.
πŸ‘‰ What is a kid?


This was the first feature-length animated film ever made.

Hint: "Mirror, mirror on the wall..."
πŸ‘‰ What is Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs?


This 1994 film starring Tom Hanks features a man unintentionally influencing major historical events.

Hint: "Life is like a box of chocolates."
πŸ‘‰ What is Forrest Gump?


This is the only U.S. state with a one-word name that contains three consecutive vowels.

Hint: It's famous for potatoes.
πŸ‘‰ What is Idaho?


This scientist developed the three laws of motion.

Hint: He had an apple fall on his head (supposedly).
πŸ‘‰ Who is Isaac Newton?


The Great Fire of London happened in this year.

Hint: The year has three sixes in it.
πŸ‘‰ What is 1666?


This U.S. state is home to the most ghost towns.

Hint: Think desert and gold rush.
πŸ‘‰ What is California?