Pick the correct antonym for the word adorable:
lovely, sweet, despicable, cute
What is despicable.
What is a synonym for angry:
happy, confused, mad, elated
What is mad
Antonym for the word forbid:
prevent, stop, permit, ban
What is permit
What is the synonym for the word brief:
long, happy, short, extended
What is short
Antonym for flat
What is round
What is an antonym for light?
What is dark
What is the synonym for the word right:
wrong, incorrect, north, correct
What is correct
What is the antonym for the word generous:
kind, stingy, giving, loyal
What is stingy
Synonym for mend:
broken, shattered, replace, fix
What is fix
Synonym for light
What is dark
What is an antonym strange?
What is normal, familiar, predictable, typical
What is the synonym for the word quickly:
ran, slow, fast, skipped
What is fast.
What is the correct antonym for the word rude?
Polite, mean, disrespectful, angry
What is polite
Synonym for the word horrible:
wonderful, superb, dreadful, fine
What is dreadful
antonym for crowded
What is empty
What is an antonym for the word wise:
foolish, intelligent, smart, funny
What is foolish
What is a synonym for the word tired:
energized, peppy, exhausted, rested
What is exhausted.
Pick the antonym for the word terrify:
fearful, brave, doubtful, horrible
What is brave
awful, magnificent, terrible, mediocre
Antonym for brave
What is scared
What is an antonym for the word anxious?
aflutter, goosey, nervous, calm
What is calm
What is the synonym for the word smooth:
rough, rigid, sleek, uneven
What is sleek
What is the antonym for the word angy:
mad, unhappy, happy, foolish
What is happy
synonym for the word pretty:
beautiful, ugly, mild, unnatural
What is beautiful
What is the synonym for unlucky
What is unfortunate