They Don't Make That Anymore
You Can't Camp Here
Things in Dad's Car
Dad History

These plastic buckets are perfect holders for pine nuts, trail mix, Christmas crack, and compost scraps

What is Schwan's buckets?


Be careful when you stop for lunch at this location because the officials will come out and tell you to leave

What is the Navajo school north of Farmington, New Mexico?


Dad says this when asked what he is "dewing"

What is "Mildewing"?


This white roll of tissue is found on the dashboard of any of Dad's vehicles, even if he borrows yours.

What is toilet paper?


Dad was born in this day in 1955

What is September 24?


You better not waste these pieces of cloth because Dad doesn't work at laundry anymore and can't get anymore

What is rags from the laundry?


Be careful staying overnight in this location, even if you have permission from the owner, as police officers patrol the area and may wake you up to see why you're there.

What is the tents in the Outdoor Outlet parking lot?


Another name for a vegetable restraint used in cars

What is a "beet-belt"?


This book was used to record Gas and mileage at every Gas fill up.

What is the gas book?


Dad moved to this house when he was about 12 years old.

What is the red brick house on Tabernacle?


This white backpack was made out of a mysterious white spectra fabric which was super-tough, abrasion and puncture resistant

What is a Kelty White Cloud or White Phantom?


There never used to be a "No Camping" sign at this remote location off the Grand Wash, but rumor has it that the Syphus Family may have spurred a rule change. A "No Camping" sign is now rudely displayed.

What is Tassi?


Dad's response when you ask him what there is to do.

What is "Go on the roof and see if the Indians are coming?"


This tool is often used get Alan unstuck, dig latrines, and dig thistles

What is a shovel?

This missionary companion was one of Dad's favorites and they still are friends today.

Who is Mike Clayton?


These boxes hold socket wrenches or hole saw set are made out of metal.

What are metal toolboxes?


After driving 1000 miles on their way to Buschardt Gardens, Mom, Dad, Amanda, and Sara threw out their sleeping bags on the ground to sleep, ony to wake up to find out they had inadvertently slept at this location

What is a school bus stop?


Dad's response when you ask him where he is going.

What is "Crazy, you wanna come?"


After Dad almost slid off the road west of Gunlock in the scout, these 3 specific tools have been kept in his car used to get people un-stuck.

What is steel pegs, a come-along wench, and a tow strap or chains?


Dad lived on this island in Hawaii the summer he turned 16

What is Moloka'i?


This dark blue down sleeping bag is guaranteed to keep you warm in 5 degree weather. They now only make it in an ugly rusty red color.

What is Mountain Hardwear phantom 5 sleeping bag?


After visiting Yosemite, Dad, Loren Webb, Kim Prisbrey, and Alan Jensen camped near this national park with giant trees with and woke up in the middle of a housing subdivision.

What is Sequoia National Park?


Bang Gunly had this response when asked almost any question in a radio dialogue.

What is "Looks like someone sure cut through that fence alright"?


This item is usually used in parts in pieces except for when Annie was lost on Pine Valley, then the whole item filled the measure of its creation and was strapped on for an emergency hike.

What is Dad's emergency backpack?


The first motorcycle Dad bought for himself when he was 17 years old.

What is a suzuki TS185?