Independent Reading Station
Computer Software Station
Small Group Station

You notice that a teammate is being too loud in the library and you can't focus. What do you do?

-Silently remind them to be quiet with your hand.

-Quietly remind them to be quiet using respectful language.

You have having trouble logging into your software. What should you do?

-Log out and back in. If that doesn't work, restart your laptop. 


You get to small group and Mrs. Battersby doesn't have any extra pencils. What do you do?

-Take out your own pencil!


There is a pair of noise-cancelling headphones next to your laptop in the software station. The headphones are not yours but this is your final station spot. What do you do?

-If you know who was using the headphones, respectfully ask them to return the headphones.

-Return the headphones to the crate. 


You started and finished your independent reading book on the same day. What do you do?

-Complete your reading log for that day.

-Take a quiz the next day (unless you have different directions from Mrs. Battersby.


You have recording your voice but the computer is having trouble hearing you. What do you do?

-Make sure your headphones are plugged in and NEXT TO YOUR MOUTH.

-If that doesn't work, log out and log back in. 


You notice that Mrs. Battersby made a mistake in her sentence on the board. What do you do?

Respectfully tell Mrs. Battersby about her mistake.


It's the end of class and you are finished with your job but you notice that the classroom is still messy and disorganized. What do you do?

-Help clean it! The faster it gets done, the faster you can leave! 


You notice that the red timer has not started but the station has been going for 5 minutes already. What do you do?

-Walk to the board and start the timer. Remember that you have lost 5 minutes!

The teammate next to you is shouting into his/her microphone and you can't focus. What do you do? 

-Silently remind them to be quieter with your hand.

-Quietly remind them to be quieter using respectful language.


You get to small group and Mrs. Battersby says you're going to read the same text you read yesterday again. You're bored of this text and you want to move on. What do you do?

- Trust that Mrs. Battersby is having you read the text again for a good reason. 

-Politely ask Mrs. Battersby why she is having you read the text again and listen to her explanation. 


Your job is to collect your group's folders at the end of class but two of your teammates forgot to hand your their folders. What do you do?

-Respectfully ask them to hand your their folders.

-If they are busy with their own jobs, see if you can find their folders around the room. 


You are taking out a new book from the library and you noticed that the book next to it is in the wrong place. What do you do?

-Put the book back in the right place! 


How many minutes should it take for a student to sign in and sign out of software?

2 minutes

You are working in small group when you hear someone in the software station yell into their microphone, "POOP!" What do you do?

Ignore them. You have a task to complete. Mrs. Battersby will address their behavior. 


You get to your next station and you are reading to start working but your teammate who passes out the materials isn't there yet. What do you do?

-Wait 1-2 minutes for your teammate to show up and do his/her job.

-If your teammate looks like he/she will be late, offer to do your teammate's job for him/her. 


You read your book twice, did two reading logs, and took the quiz BUT you failed the quiz. What do you do?

-Review the book the following day and take the quiz again. 


When do you earn a sticker in the software station?

When you complete an entire segment. For example, you start in 3.1 and complete all zones until you reach 4.1


Mrs. Battersby gives a direction and you are listening very carefully but you don't understand the direction. What do you do? 

- Respectfully ask Mrs. Battersby to explain the direction. 

-If the direction was not for independent work, quietly ask a teammate to explain the direction. 


You decide to bring Mrs. Battersby her favorite candy on Friday. What candy do you make sure to buy?