All Things Oxygen
The Nitrogen Cycle
Carbon on Earth
The Earth As a System

What is the process of Earth's oxygen cycle

Oxygen moves through the atmosphere, then animals, plants, and humans breathe in the oxygen (the biosphere) and then breathe out carbon dioxide. When there is sun,(lithosphere) photosynthesis happens releasing oxygen back into the atmosphere through plants. 


Describe the nitrogen cycle. 

Nitrogen that is found in the atmosphere, goes into the soil and is turned into ammonia, then bacteria convert the ammonia into nitrates, then more bacteria covert nitrates into nitrates again, and plants take the nitrates to use as nutrients, consumers like animals then eat the plants consuming the nitrogen, then when they die, nitrogen is released back into the soil. Then bacteria convert them into nitrogen gas again.   


Describe the carbon cycle 

Carbon is released into the air from plants and even factory emissions, then it goes into plants during photosynthesis which then goes into the soil via decaying organisms and then root respiration pushes it back into the air. 


How is the human body a system?

The human body is made up of many things that combine to make a whole.


What would be the components relating to the earth's system?

The Lithosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and the atmosphere.


Why is oxygen cycle important for life on Earth?

To keep the constant flow of oxygen in the air that supports life allowing us to breathe and allowing plants to thrive.


Why is the nitrogen cycle important?

Nitrogen is a very important nutrient for plants producing protein, amino acids and nucleic acids. The nitrogen in plants are also given to animals after they consume them. 


Name some reservoirs that carbon is found in.

Rocks, ocean, the atmosphere, and living creatures.


what are components in a system? 

Parts that are either directly or indirectly related to each other


What would be the boundary relating to the earth's system?

The Earth


How do animals that live under water get oxygen?

They breathe oxygen into their gills after it has been dissolved into the water.


What is the role of microorganisms in the nitrogen cycle?

Microorganisms convert non usable forms of nitrogen into forms of nitrogen that can be used.


What are some carbon forms found on the earth? 

Forests and oceans.


Why is system thinking important?

it helps us understand all the parts that make up a whole.


What would be the flow relating to the earth's system?

The interactions between the different spheres.


Name the three reservoirs that oxygen is found in.

The Atmosphere, The Lithosphere, and the Biosphere.


How has the Haber-Bosch process affect the nitrogen cycle?

Using fertilizers like the Haber-Bosch process, too much nitrogen is released into the soil and is unable to be converted fast enough. This excess amount of nitrogen compounds causing problems like contaminated drinking water and polluting animals.


What happens when organic material fall into the ocean bottom?

It becomes incorporated into sediment.  


What is an equilibrium? 

When the competing factors of a system are at balance.


Ash from a forest fire is carried by the wind to a forest where it lands and causes the pH of the soil to increase. Is an example of what interaction?

Atmosphere-Lithosphere interaction.


What is Weathering?

When oxygen is released from the lithosphere into the atmosphere. 


What are two natural process that create ammonia?

Nitrogen Fixation and ammonification 


Where are fossil fuels found? 

The Lithosphere 


What is the boundary in a system?

what is inside and outside a system


What is a part of the lithosphere?

The core of the Earth