3 Variables
Solving by Graphing
Solving by Elimination
Solving by Substitution
Word Problems

Determine the number of solutions of the linear system:

14x – 5y = 123

14x – 5y = 73

What is No Solution? (parallel lines, same slope different y-int)

The quadrant in which the solution to the following system lies:

y = x + 4
y = 2x + 5

What is II
The solution to the system of equations:

r + s = -6
r - s = -10

What is (-8, 2)?
The solution to the system:

x = 4y
2x + 3y = 22

What is (8, 2)
The sum of two numbers is 104. Their difference is 68. What are the numbers?
What are 86 and 18?

Two lines have the following equations: 

4x+3y= 7

x+2y= -2

At what point do they intersect?

What is (4, -3)?

The solution to the system of equations:

y = 3x - 2
y = -x - 2

What is (0, -2)?
The solution to the system:

8a + 5b = 9
2a - 5b = -4

What is (0.5, 1)?
The solution to the system

y = x - 2
3x - y = 16

What is (7, 5)
A shopper bought 6 shirts and 8 hats for $700. A week later, at the same prices, he bought 9 shirts and 6 hats for $660. What was the cost of one shirt?
What is $30?

What is the solution for the system of equations below?

x + y + z = 2

x - 2y - z = -4

x - 9y + z = -18

A) (-2, 2, 2)

B) (0, 2, 0)

C) (-2, -2, 6)

D) (0, 2, 4)

What is B? (0, 2, 0)

The solution to the system of equations:

y = -3
x = 5

What is (5, -3)
The solution to the system:

2x + 3y = 6
3x + 5y = 15

What is (-15, 12)?
The solution to the system

y = 3x - 1
7x + 2y = 37

What is (3, 8)
The number of each type of ticket sold in the following situation: Tickets to a football game cost $5.oo if purchased before the day of the game. They cost $7.50 if purchased at the game. For a particular game, 600 tickets were sold and the receipts were $3500.
What is 400 advanced tickets, 200 game-day tickets?

A food store makes a 11-lb mixture of peanuts (x), cashews (y), and raisins (z). Peanuts cost $2.00 per pound, cashews cost $3.00 per pound, and raisins cost $1.00 per pound. The mixture calls for twice as much peanuts than cashews. The total cost of the mixture is $23.00. Write but do not solve.

What is...

2x + 3y +1z = 23

x = 2y

x + y + z = 11


The solution to the system of equations

y = (1/3)x - 3
2x - y = 8

What is (3, -2)
The solution to the system

2a - 4b = 12
-8a + 16b = -48

What is infinitely many solutions?
The solution to the system

3s - 2t = 4
t = 2s - 1

What is (-2, -5)
The dimensions of a rectangle whose perimeter is 78 inches, when the length of the rectangle is twice its width
What is 26x13?
Who is the only Algebra 1 teacher in the department?

Who is Mr. Gonzalez-Corson?

The solution to the system of equations:

y - 3x = 3
y = 3x - 2

What is no solution?
The solution to the system:

(1/3)x + (1/4)y = 10
(1/3)x - (1/2)y = 4

What is (24, 8)
The solution to the system

t + u = 12
t = (1/3)u

What is (3, 9)?
The amount of money each child received when Mr. Vogel left $25,000 divided between his son and daughter, with the daughter receiving $5000 less than the son.
What is $15,000 for the son and $10,000 for the daughter?