This is the first thing you should do when you encounter an injured person.
What is "assess the situation and ensure safety"?
This tool is used to determine direction based on Earth's magnetic field.
What is a "compass"?
The basic rule when choosing a campsite is to find a location that is flat and this.
What is "dry"?
If you are lost in the wilderness, you should stay in one place to increase the chance of being found. This principle is called.
What is "Huddle"?
This is the proper order to pack your backpack when getting ready for a hike.
What is "heaviest items closest to your back and at the bottom"?
This is the proper technique for performing CPR on an adult. How Many Inches Deep, at What Beats Per Minute?
What is "chest compressions at a depth of 2 inches at a rate of 100 to 120 per minute"?
This is a map feature that shows your position using grid squares.
What is a "topographic map grid"?
These are used to hold up the corners of a tarp shelter.
What are "guy lines"?
This is the basic rule when building a shelter in the wilderness.
What is "keep dry, warm, and off the ground"?
What is the most resource you should carry for long hikes?
The first aid for a sprained ankle includes these steps.
What is "Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (R.I.C.E.)"?
The four main directions on a compass are north, south, east, and this.
What is "west"?
This is the best way to purify water when you're in the wilderness and don’t have access to boiling.
What is "using a water filter"?
This is a survival technique used to signal for help.
What is "using a whistle"?
This type of stove uses fuel canisters for cooking while camping.
What is "a canister stove"?
This is the correct way to treat a burn from a hot surface.
What is "cool the burn with running lukewarm water for at least 10 minutes"?
This method involves taking a bearing from one point to another using a map and compass.
What is "orienteering"?
This skill involves cutting wood into smaller pieces to create kindling.
What is "batoning"?
This method involves creating friction to start a fire without matches or a lighter.
What is "the bow drill"?
This is a great rainjacket for camping.
What is a "Frogg Togg"?
You should check for this when performing a head-to-toe check on an injured person.
What is "consciousness, breathing, and circulation"?
What are the 16 Directions or Navigation Points?
What is "North, South, East, West, North East, North West, South East, South West, North North East, East North East, East South East, South South East, South South West, West South West, West North West, North North West"?
This knot is used to tie two ropes of equal thickness together.
What is the "square knot"?
What do three consecutive whistles mean?
What is "Drop everything and run back"?
What is "Take a pair of tweezers,