__________ white
To comb and to brush
combed and brushed
Make a sentence using the verb to be in the PRESENT.
I am/you are/he is not
When the sun is out, the day is...
You use it to breathe
Movie where a girl is her step mother's maid and has to clean the house for everyone. In the end a godmother appears so that she could go to the ball and meet the prince, even after her dress has been ruined.
To buy
Make a sentence using the SIMPLE PAST with a REGULAR verb.
Verbs ending in ED
When there's a fog that covers all the views, it's a ... day
You use it to chew when eating
Movie where the main character is a villain who cursed a child because of what the king has done to her.
To break
Make a sentence using the SIMPLE PAST with an IRREGULAR verb
verbs that change their way in the past. (to see, to buy, to bring, to keep, to sleep)
When water is falling from the sky, it's a... day
You use it to hold things
In this movie, the main character's brother passes away (Tadashi) in an accident with fire and the main character (Hero) finds his robot that serves for medical purposes only. In the end, they defeat the villain and become heroes with a group of people.
Big Hero 6
To hurt
Make a sentence using the PAST CONTINUOUS
Was/were + verb w ING
When the Sun is in between the clouds.
It's made of dead cells from your scalp
In this movie a small fish disappears, and his dead has the mission of finding him.
Searching Nemo
To believe
Make a question using the PAST CONTINUOUS
Were you..?? Was he??
When there are thunderstorms and lightinings all over the place, it's a...
Stormy day
It's located in your chest between your lungs and beats all day long. If it stops beating, you die.