A basic structure, usually in the shape of a dome or an A. it is used as shelter on many campouts
What is a tent
The most basic knot learned in scouting
What is a square knot
A merit badge that requires a knowledge of cooking and nutrition
What is cooking merit badge
A set of principles meant to be a guideline for responsible outdoor activities.
What is the outdoor code/leave no trace/tread lightly
A merit badge taken at the beach, alternatives are hiking or biking
what is swimming merit badge
An essential piece of equipment for all outdoor activities. it is essential in keeping yourself hydrated and healthy
what is a water bottle
A medical condition with symptoms of weakness, confusion,pale or cool skin, vomiting, or thirst
what is shock
Number of Boy Scout ranks.
What is 7?
The Four Citizenship merit badges.
What are Citizenship in society, Citizenship in the Community, Citizenship in the Nation, and Citizenship in the World?
As an American, I will do my best to Be clean in my outdoor manners, Be careful with fire, Be considerate in the outdoors, And Be Conservation minded.
What is the outdoor code
A tool used for cutting. swiss army is a major manufacturer
What is a Pocket knife
A merit badge earned by showing a in depth understanding of camping and requires 15 nights of camping
what is camping merit badge
FINAL JEOPARDY The four BSA High Adventure camps.
What is Philmont, Northern Tier, Sea Base, and The Summit?
A large cast iron pot, usually used for cooking on coals
what is a dutch oven
Has a totem pole on a blue background.
What is Wood Carving?